Example sentences of "is [art] [noun sg] [prep] the corner " in BNC.

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1 Er , when you 've finished with it , all I want is the token off the corner of the page it happens to be on the reverse side
2 So far I have been lucky in that I have never had to work at getting the next job but there may be a point when I look up and there is no opportunity around the corner . ’
3 The classrooms in which such learning takes place may look very different from those in which I sat as a child 50 years ago ( the walls are covered with paintings and there is a computer in the corner , the desks are informally arranged ) but the assumption that all learning is determined , ordered and mediated through the teacher is the common thread which links the schools of the 1980s with those of my pre-war childhood .
4 In fact you need never move far from the apartments as there is a pizzeria on the corner , a supermarket and plenty of cafés close by .
5 B : There is a garage round the corner .
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