Example sentences of "is [adv] difficult [to-vb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet the book is rather difficult to read and the general reader may become discouraged after picking it up , despite the attraction of the illustrations and lay-out .
2 There is a steady shuffle of people leaving once the film has started as they find it is so difficult to follow that the experience is frustrating .
3 It is always difficult to judge whether a government is better off , in terms of parliamentary safety , with a large or a small majority .
4 The essential driving force is always difficult to define but the one thing that has struck me about is his intolerance of injustice wherever it presents itself .
5 The completeness of the 1989–90 material is more difficult to evaluate because the drugs in this period were available over the counter .
6 Fragment A is more difficult to analyse as the evidence is incomplete and the habit of keeping to a set rate of progress may not have evolved at the A stage of composition ; but it could have been completed between June 1758 and April 1759 , in a shorter or longer time depending on whether he wrote one verse or three each day .
7 This in turn means that , while general deterrence might well form the basis of a plausible general justification for having a system of punishment , it is more difficult to argue that the amount of punishment imposed by our system is justifiable by deterrent considerations .
8 It is more difficult to know whether an animal goes through the experience of at one moment not being able to see a food item , but then being able to see it at the next .
9 It is also difficult to say whether a change at the top would affect the Direction des Musées de France at the heart of the Ministry of Culture .
10 It is also difficult to establish when the damage occurred .
11 This is notoriously difficult to do but the difficulty should be yours not the client 's .
12 But , because Phonebase is notoriously difficult to access and the charging procedure is complex , Ms Burke and her husband decided there must be a better way of doing it .
13 Criminal fraud is notoriously difficult to establish and the evidence required to do so needs careful and skilled assessment .
14 It is often difficult to establish if a site is liable to flooding and it can be easily overlooked during the site investigation .
15 It is often difficult to determine whether the SPR is reporting a failure in the software , a misunderstanding , or a failure in delivered instructions .
16 It is often difficult to determine whether the SPR is reporting a failure in the software , a misunderstanding , or a failure in delivered instructions .
17 It is even difficult to say that a very rich person could be compensated in money terms ; thus , however heinous the libel , such a person should get not more than a nominal sum and his costs .
18 It is equally difficult to deny that the radioactive fall-out from a nuclear explosion in fact consists of a cloud of poisonous gases .
19 It is a devastating kick and one that is quite difficult to control once the foot has been set in its downward , attacking motion .
20 But they vary considerably in their anatomy and , as is often the case when considering the simpler members of a group , it is sometimes difficult to decide whether a characteristic represents a truly primitive survival or is secondarily reduced to suit a particular way of life .
21 It is sometimes difficult to know whether the purchaser has done an act adopting the transaction .
22 Today , rambutans ( Nephelium lappaceum , Sapindaceae ) are distributed this way , growing up around deserted encampments of forest people in the Malay Peninsula , and several other fruits gathered there can only be swallowed as the flesh is either difficult to remove or the seeds are too fiddly to extract ( as in blackberries , blackcurrants and tomatoes in modern society sewage farms raise good tomato plants ) : for example the mata-kuching ( Dimocarpus longan ) and the rambai ( Baccaurea motleyana , Euphorbiaceae ) .
23 ‘ It is very difficult to see that the public can be educated to accept anything less than the fact that if there is a fraud present in an organisation which prevents the financial statements from showing a true and fair view , then it is up to the auditors to find it . ’
24 It is very difficult to ascertain whether the many companies which use ROI do use it in the way proposed .
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