Example sentences of "is [adv] a [adj] amount [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is only a small amount of centralised buying ; each department is responsible for its own buying and stock control .
2 There is only a limited amount of change that can be achieved by direct transformation in the ‘ swords to ploughshares ’ manner .
3 Since intra-plate volcanicity is linked to effectively stationary sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies , there is only a limited amount of time available for a volcano to develop before plate motion removes it from its underlying region of crustal melting and source of magma generation ( Fig. 5.3 ) .
4 I welcome that assurance , but does my hon. Friend accept that there is already a tremendous amount of evidence about some of the things that are clearly wrong with maritime safety ?
5 There is already a large amount of data on normal women , which shows that HRT prevents bone loss after the menopause .
6 Thanks to the inherently leaky nature of the water industry , there is already a fair amount of information to go on .
7 On shallow swims it is better to sink two rigid poles ( scaffolding poles are ideal ) , for with any rope-anchored system there is always a certain amount of swinging , especially when there is a strong wind .
8 The low-light television is suitable for use in harbour , where there is always a certain amount of light .
9 But there is still a fantastic amount of vitality and will in the theatre . ’
10 It is therefore understandable that , even among those who now happily accept the idea of hypnotherapy , there is still a certain amount of reservation about the concept of regression as part of the healing process .
11 There is still a certain amount of imitation , particularly in the openings , but the texture is less polyphonic than in the earlier canzoni , and fast triple-time refrains recur .
12 INCREDIBLY for a railway system that has served the nation for more than 150 years there is still a considerable amount of history either still serving or extant .
13 Mr Ievers said , however : ‘ There is still a considerable amount of work to be done before schools can report to parents using the levels and attainment targets used in assessment of children introduced as a pilot project only very recently .
14 I understand there is still a considerable amount of graffiti on the motorway bridge over Tithe Barn Lane .
15 Above your head is probably a vast amount of space , which can be used for storage and a whole range of activities — the loft .
16 There is also a tremendous amount of shared support amongst girls themselves .
17 There is also a certain amount of secrecy , or lack of communication , about vertical arrangements more generally .
18 In all likelihood , the water is frozen under the ground ( there is also a fair amount in the planet 's ice-caps ) .
19 There is also a considerable amount of evidence to indicate that patients themselves see communication as a crucial part of their care .
20 There is also a considerable amount of feedback from implementation which influences further policy making , and many policies are so skeletal that their real impact depends upon the way they are interpreted at the implementation stage .
21 I think that is both a substantial amount of peer pressure and also the clearest possible indication that there is an expectation right around the world that people will put the communal benefit of a GATT agreement , before purely domestic interests .
22 This time I 'm seeing a woman , who is more of a therapist than an analyst ; I prefer this because the sessions are more conversational and practical and there is even a certain amount of role playing .
23 ( Indeed , there is even a large amount of statistical information about each of the more than 500 communes . )
24 A calorie is actually a tiny amount of energy .
25 Inveterate trafficker in traffic systems Peek Plc told its annual meeting yesterday that it saw signs of a trading upturn in March : ‘ Although trading conditions in the first two months of the current year continued to be difficult , we have seen signs of improvement in March — there is currently a significant amount of enquiry and bidding activity and it is expected that this will translate into firm orders , ’ chairman Ken Maud said .
26 Well I think one of the advantages of a nursery schooling is certainly a considerable amount of social interaction for the children , which very often they wo n't be obtaining , either if they 're living in high rise flats , or at the other end of the social spectrum if they 're parents are living in large houses with large gardens and no other children within the vicinity .
27 Well I think one of the advantages of a nursery schooling is certainly a considerable amount of social interaction for the children , which very often they wo n't be obtaining , either if they 're living in high rise flats , or at the other end of the social spectrum if their parents are living in large houses with large gardens and no other children within the vicinity .
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