Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] likely that the " in BNC.

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1 This is a doubtful speculation as spinning , unlike sewing or embroidery does not require a strong light , and it is much more likely that the spinners would be found in comfort spinning by the light of their peat fires as dusk approached .
2 It is much more likely that the majority of assessments are currently undertaken either informally or indirectly .
3 It is much more likely that the pharmaceutical industry will support such analysis as it perceives its interests as being threatened ( Drummond , 1989/90 ) .
4 It is much more likely that the name commemorates ‘ fair Rosamond ’ , the mistress of Henry II .
5 This idea has long since fallen out of favour ; it is much more likely that the two components of a pair were born at the same time and in the same region of space , from the same cloud of dust and gas .
6 While there is some simple arithmetic to carry out in this question , it is much more likely that the drop in success rate is due to problems with interpretation and the distribution of the error response , £2.60 , confirms this .
7 It is much more likely that the distribution of state benefits will occur through narrow informal political networks supportive of the ruling central coalition .
8 It is much more likely that the periods we call constant saw some small changes and the intervening periods , although generally of more rapid fall , were punctuated by minor stillstands .
9 It is just as likely that the market , left to itself , would not finance or build nuclear-power stations , not because of the greens but because of their poor rate of return .
10 He went on to regard the presence of more than two rows to be an indication of adult growth , but , whilst this may sometimes occur it is just as likely that the unfortunate whelk was checked several times during its immature life .
11 Perhaps they were too well-known to need spelling out ; but it is just as likely that the personal qualities which contemporaries did stress were what really accounted for both men 's influence at the courts of successive Carolingians .
12 It is probably quite likely that the foreigners were honest and hard working , keeping themselves much to themselves but it was clearly a tinder-box situation with the tiniest spark capable of leading to a conflagration .
13 It is also quite likely that the social services consumed some of the capital that could have been invested in industry , but again there was no scarcity of capital during this period .
14 If McAlpine initiates the action it is marginally more likely that the Consortium could win costs against the company if McAlpine lost .
15 Not only is the purpose for which the consumer buys consumer goods more likely to be known to the seller ( particularly by implication ) but it is far more likely that the consumer will rely on the seller 's judgment and skill .
16 It is therefore not likely that the aggravation of cyclosporin A induced pancreatic toxicity by indomethacin is caused by vascular effects .
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