Example sentences of "in [art] development of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The suggestions are that the County Council in particular should help in the development of satellites to that erm , that business link , one in Oswestry and one at Craven Arms , and we should seek to make sure those satellites are available by no later than the end of nineteen ninety four , the beginning of nineteen ninety five .
2 This will have its immediate relevance for choice of methodology in both the broad sense and in the development of sub-units within the whole .
3 It is possible , and indeed would be logical , that increased duration of exposure to gastrooesophageal reflux , independent of the nature of the refluxate , may be a factor in the development of complications in Barrett 's oesophagus .
4 They suggest that clinical psychologists , with an understanding of psychological aspects of disability , may have a role to play in the development of services for older people with disabilities , and in training other health service professionals in how to respond to problems of disability in older people .
5 Voluntary effort has been prominent in the development of services for deprived children .
6 The paper stresses the need for clarity in the development of models of the care management process which link the organizational environment and practice incentives and take account of the complexity and variety of human needs which such services must tackle .
7 More precise knowledge of control of colonic motor function , coupled with basic research into the pathways that control colonic muscle , should eventually result in the development of drugs for modifying colonic motor function .
8 A key figure in the development of concepts of the life course has been Tamara Hareven .
9 In the development of studies of change particularly by biogeographers , increasing interdisciplinary cooperation and a greatly expanded range of techniques are very evident .
10 The profession has played a significant part in the development of products for long-term insurance companies and this has been helped considerably by the work carried out by the CMI Bureau , something which is unique in Europe .
11 This adds to the importance of investing in the development of managers of the right calibre .
12 Undoubtedly many of the pupil self-assessment schemes seen during the survey would prove very useful as a basis for gathering information for departmental profiles , and could therefore be extremely helpful in the development of records of personal achievement , which are due to be introduced in all schools in the early 1990s .
13 Defined as ‘ the encouragement given to an individual by a patron who favours , protects , and gives influential support , ’ it has a long and generally inglorious history in the development of careers in medicine .
14 At this stage the Left in politics was clearly interested in the development of alternatives to the asylums and this interest fed into the caucus policy-making .
15 Finally , as industrial societies do not remain static — indeed some sociologists are already talking of a ‘ postindustrial ’ society — what further changes , if any , are we likely to see in patterns of family living or in the development of alternatives to what we usually understand as ‘ the family ’ ?
16 Since then Johnson Matthey has played a major part in the development of methods of refining and melting platinum and iridium in order to produce ingots of alloy able to meet the metric commission requirements .
17 This was manifested in the development of bases in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf region and the creation of new ones .
18 The application of the principles of universal precautions results in the development of guidelines for work practices and use of personal protective equipment , which minimize or eliminate the risk of exposure .
19 But before we move on , it may be instructive to look at the relationship between language viewed as a formal system and language as part of a wider social and psychological context , and to say something about the place of these two approaches in the development of ideas about language in general .
20 Amongst the equations or sets of equations that have been particularly significant in the development of ideas about chaos are the Lorenz equations , introduced in Section 17.3 .
21 There has also been continued success in the development of compounds for the treatment of specific viral diseases .
22 These are a major source of definition for the sample before c. 160-170 , ( and remain an element in the development of designs after this period ) .
23 Peter Bourne reveals that on 16 October 1959 Camilo Cienfuegos ( who disappeared in a still unexplained air accident only ten days later ) was interviewed at the Havana Riviera Hotel by Alexander Alekseev , a KGB official who quickly developed an excellent rapport with Castro and played an extremely important role in the development of relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union .
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