Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] on [art] ground " in BNC.

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1 From that cold , emotionless void she watched herself speak kindly to the young girl introduced as Ellen , thank the Queen for her great kindness , beg to be excused from dining in the hall on the grounds of wishing to find her priest as soon as possible , and resolutely put all thought of fitzAlan out of her mind .
2 He lost no opportunity to use his status as an ideological lever for black causes , eventually refusing to serve in the army on the grounds that blacks had no interest in the Vietnam War .
3 Smyth ( 1978 ) in Alternatives to Animal Experiments , points out that several of its techniques , such as mass spectrometry , gas chromatography , and the use of isotopes in biomedical research , were developed much earlier in the century on the grounds of simple efficiency .
4 CORONER 'S REPORT , SECTION 224 : Lepine was seen on the campus at least ten times before December 6 : in September at the student co-op , then three times the next month in the Polytechnic building , in November at the administrative building , and four times in the first week of December , and the last time in the cafeteria on the ground floor .
5 Two of these had earlier been the subject of the intensive case studies ( see Chapter 4 ) ; two had been involved in piloting the questionnaire and the head of another declined to take part in the survey on the grounds that he was just then attempting to introduce a scheme of SSE of his own devising .
6 Yet here they have found that the newcomers are also opposed to the construction of further council housing in the village on the grounds that it is ‘ detrimental to the character of the village ’ and detracts from the rural environment .
7 John Mackintosh then argued strongly , right up to his death , for a ‘ Yes ’ vote in the referendum on the grounds that only a Scottish Assembly , however imperfect , could sort out the anomalies with Westminster .
8 The national conference which since late 1991 had been planned as the next stage in the democratization process , was on May 8 postponed until later in the year on the grounds that its preparatory commission had not completed its work .
9 I still remember the night we started , sitting in the brasserie on the ground floor of my hotel , downing Dexedrine with San Miguel beer .
10 He attempts to resolve the problem by affirming his belief in the ideal on the grounds that man 's life is an aspiration or a striving for , perfection , yet at the same time recognizing that in an imperfect world one has to make concessions to , or to cater for , human weakness .
11 When he slept there , as he occasionally did in the classroom on the ground floor known for some mysterious reason as the ‘ Remove ’ , he could hear the trains run past the end of the garden and to him it was the most romantic sound in the world .
12 She had hoped and expected to find the Garden Tower all but deserted at such a late hour , with the two guards half asleep in the guardchamber on the ground floor .
13 Thus , cases such as Expro Services Ltd v Smith [ 1991 ] IRLR 156 , involving the contracting out by the Ministry of Defence of its catering function , should not fail in the future on the grounds that the catering operation , as carried on by the Ministry , was not in the nature of a commercial venture .
14 On 13 October 1988 , Chief Master Munrow ordered that the question whether the plaintiffs could object to certain items in the account on the ground that they were unreasonable should be tried as a preliminary issue .
15 In a struggle on the ground , my raincoat was torn from top to bottom and Bardely exclaimed ‘ He 's biting my little finger off . ’
16 There 's a curtain across the door , but it ai n't long enough so I can see Marie 's feet and her black trousers all in a ball on the ground .
17 He was kicked and punched as he lay huddled in a ball on the ground and had to spend three days in hospital .
18 Zhelev organized on Sept. 1 and 11 meetings between Lukanov and leaders of the UDF and other opposition parties , but the UDF consistently rejected participation in a coalition on the grounds that the BSP alone had to take responsibility for the present state of the country , and that a strong parliamentary opposition was needed to guarantee Bulgaria 's democracy .
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