Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] the royal [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ROYAL ENGAGEMENTS Prince Edward attends an evening of greyhound racing at Kingsmead Stadium , Canterbury , in support of the Royal Marines School of Music Disaster Fund .
2 13 October : The Prince Edward attended an evening of greyhound racing at Kingsmead Stadium , Canterbury , in support of the Royal Marines School of Music Disaster Fund .
3 Willys , in defiance of the royal wishes , marched out to welcome his old commanding officer .
4 One of these is a LC oscilloscope developed by Scopex Instruments in conjunction with the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment ( RSRE ) , An oscilloscope needs only display waves — single-valued functions — so drastic simplifications can be made to the addressing .
5 It would be difficult to seriously question the received account in relation to the royal burghs , for corruption was rampant in most , if not in all , of them .
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