Example sentences of "in [noun pl] all over [art] world " in BNC.

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1 Which 1956 film caused riots in cinemas all over the world ? 02 .
2 And , after some 40 exhibitions in cities all over the world , she can boast that every one of her 1,000 well-loved paintings has been sold , apart from a few she has deliberately reserved for herself .
3 He extends this argument from spoken forms on radio and film and television to the new vitality to be found in the use of English in countries all over the world .
4 It was this hegemonic combination of a mighty domestic economy , a progressive ruling class ( in comparison with most others actually existing ) , and at least some desirable culturalideological features particularly attractive to ‘ modernizing ’ elites , that opened the global door to them and ensured the creation , persistence and often aggrandisement of social classes in countries all over the world willing and eager to adopt their transnational practices .
5 But enough family likeness remains to make the chimpanzees ' tea-time a most popular attraction in zoos all over the world .
6 Hardy 's death was mourned as the passing of English literature 's ‘ most eminent figure ’ in newspapers all over the world .
7 For here was an ordinary average crowd of Air Force youngsters , neither better nor worse than their compatriots in squadrons all over the world .
8 Thus , UDC has been extensively employed in special libraries and information centres in locations all over the world since the early 1900s .
9 In theatres all over the world performers are expected to turn up at the ‘ half ’ to start making up .
10 This from one who has majored in sneaking out of bad acting in theatres all over the world .
11 No one can deny that millions are made to suffer and die each year in laboratories all over the world .
12 Common dolphins are incidentally taken in fisheries all over the world — at least 8000 animals each year die in gill-nets and seine-nets .
13 For a feast of potatoes , I offer a medley of Chardonnays , the most fashionable grape variety which makes delicious wines — not just in its native Burgundy , but in vineyards all over the world .
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