Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] [conj] none [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Five hundred million years ago there was life in the sea but none on the land .
2 Incidentally , I shall use the name Mary as a double blind in the sense that none of the woman 's family or friends knows her as Mary .
3 ‘ Plenty in the hut but none of them fresh except two or three belonging to the deceased .
4 In fact , the shooting took place in the dark and none of the witnesses arrived on the scene for something like ten seconds .
5 ‘ During that interim period Doctor Who just took off with the Daleks in a way that none of us could have imagined , and after that there was no more discussion about it coming off the air .
6 ‘ You make him come alive in a way that none of his fancy speeches can , ’ Walterkin said .
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