Example sentences of "a couple of [noun] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 A couple of minutes later the night silence outside was broken by the sound of a vehicle , presumably an ambulance , starting up and moving off .
2 After just a couple of minutes when the spray had dried , we brushed out the curls into these beautifully smooth , sculpted waves .
3 The majority of cases with sustained coverage involved young girls ( including a couple of cases where the victim was under 10 ) who were usually alone and the focus of a single attack .
4 A couple of streets away the traffic rumbled but here , in the heart of London , all was tranquil .
5 A couple of hours later the same Burnmouth boat which had brought the Marischal in picked its secret way out of Berwick harbour , with the three knights as passengers .
6 Er there were a couple of times when the police were called and actually turned up , and and what people believed would have been a minor fight , then developed into a you know a major skirmish .
7 You bolt on the tail and wings you 've been towing behind on a trailer , flip a couple of switches on the dashboard , and then find a strip of flat land to take off from .
8 You can bloody well treat me to a couple of Cokes when the shops open . ’
9 He explained that a couple of centuries ago the course was leased out as a rabbit farm and , well , ever since , the creatures have been hopping wild across the four courses .
10 i will post more on Frank 's situation later — but i think he is going ; funny to think of when Leeds played Ipwich a couple of weeks ago the subs were Frank and Batts — some kind of Omen i guess ?
11 In fact , a couple of weeks later the Soviets , a Russian/ Khazakstan selection in everything but name , managed to survive a spirited Spanish challenge in Seville with a last-minute try by centre Konovalenko , converted by fly-half Nikolaev .
12 ‘ 'Then some asshole of a journalist printed a story that he was still working for the Company and a couple of weeks later the Red Brigade snatched both of them .
13 A couple of years ago the kids who had been on the trip from Bawnmore just turned up at the self-help group premises and wanted to see the friends they had made on the holiday again , ’ Adree said .
14 It was just I , I went down they played Liverpool in the cup about that era , and the , the wall was pushed down at the Street end but erm the people just spilled on the pitch and I do n't think anyone was really hurt , this happened when they played er Liverpool in the cup a couple of years ago the wall was pushed down at the other end on that occasion , but er there was just one , one person hurt but there was n't anybody very seriously injured as I understand
15 all well and good , but for twenty year , we should n't be talking about this , when I was in Ireland a couple of years ago the skew over overseer said he had to get rid of his television for the same reason , he er could n't turn it up
16 He joined Hampshire in 1970 and a couple of years later the selectors were enquiring after him , but he chose to await his chance with West Indies .
17 A couple of days later the answers were supplied over the phone , indicating that this would indeed be the case .
18 We have had a couple of occasions where the money can not be claimed back recently , so this is just to inform you of the position that the insurers are taking .
19 Because New York in the summer was too hot even for the natives , shows would close for a couple of months when the Girls would be sent home for a holiday on half pay , which was better than the average salary in Britain .
20 Geoffrey Smith of Windrush tells me that copies of the Windrush Island Guide to Northern Cyprus , until a couple of months ago the only in-depth guide to that part of the island , have been defaced in a number of London bookshops .
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