Example sentences of "a moment it [verb] [prep] if " in BNC.

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1 For a moment it looked as if he was free and would land safely near Tock 's cottage but coming down he fell with a thump into the basket lift at the other side .
2 For a moment it looked as if the classic capture was about to take place : the low , lean greyhound was about to sink its teeth into the boar .
3 For a moment it looked as if Evans might resist , then he let himself be led to the sofa where he sat down quietly with his head between his hands and began to cry .
4 The Ford driver gave nothing away and for a moment it looked as if there would be a confrontation with a juggernaut coming from London .
5 For a moment it looked as if she 'd ask him more , she raised her face to his .
6 Fergus gave a truly terrible cry , and for a moment it seemed as if a sudden coldness had descended .
7 For a moment it seemed as if she would pull away from him , then she nodded , and , still weeping , allowed herself to be led away .
8 For a moment it seemed as if Lori was n't going to say anything at all .
9 In the abortive Artois offensive of May 1915 , the attack by Pétain 's Corps at Vimy Ridge was so well prepared that for a moment it seemed as if the whole German front might collapse .
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