Example sentences of "a [adj] set of [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Starting from a recognition of the constraints and opportunities set by human and natural resource endowments , one might assume that they then define a broad set of goals for the future .
2 Each assembly language module can be considered as an object with a specific set of rules for data input and output , thus enabling methodical testing techniques to be used .
3 The foreign policy issues on which the left fought were of great importance to the activists but of relatively little salience to the mass of the working class , while nationalisation had faded in popularity — quite understandably , given the failure to develop a popular democratic alternative to conventional managerial practice in the nationalised industries , and to develop a coherent set of criteria for allocating resources with which to counter the charge that they were ‘ inefficient loss-makers ’ .
4 Well it might just take a couple of hours to print out a complete set of statements for two hundred customers .
5 This problem may be seen as the converse of the one discussed at the beginning of this section — defining a complete set of alternants for a variable — and is best demonstrated by example .
6 The old problem : a different set of rules for each sex .
7 Change the social or physical conditions in which the animal is growing up and you may find it ends up with a different set of rules for learning .
8 Because Windows applications share common operational techniques , you can move easily between applications without having to learn a different set of commands for each .
9 Since Satyagraha ( 1980 ) was in Sanskrit it posed a different set of problems for the singer than Einstein in which there were no words at all ( other than spoken monologues ) , the text being composed of numbers and solfege syllables ( do , re , mi etc ) .
10 We need a different set of priorities for British foreign policy .
11 This suggests that the predominantly male , white judiciary and psychiatrists who make the decisions use a different set of standards for women and men .
12 The MBA do a superlative job maintaining these simple buildings , and set out a clear set of guidelines for their useage .
13 Sidner ( 1979a , b ) concentrated on local rather than global focus , arguing that a local focus-driven approach could significantly reduce problems of inference , and providing a detailed set of algorithms for applying focus in this way .
14 A slightly better idea may be to prepare a separate set of terms for use in consumer transactions , since the supplier 's freedom to restrict liability is more restricted in such cases , and exclusions are less likely to be held reasonable .
15 In conclusion , this book has brought together for the first time the work of all the main researchers and provides a motivating set of reviews for any interested scientist .
16 A typical set of collocates for the word ’ mortgage ’ could be :
17 The X/Open Co Ltd-compliant specification , known as the Distributed Format for Desktop Architecture , DFDA , and contributed by IXI Ltd , will provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to , enabling users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without resort to shell commands .
18 The standard will reportedly provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to and should allow users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without the need to go back down to the shell , be they native or guest implementations .
19 The X/Open Co Ltd-compliant specification , known as the Distributed Format for Desktop Architecture , DFDA , and contributed by IXI Ltd , will provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to , allowing users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without resort to shell commands .
20 There is a standard set of terms for the conduct of an arbitration .
21 Such debates consider the older age groups as a uniform social group with a homogeneous set of needs for health and social care .
22 When we discuss computer design variations in the ensuing chapters , we will tend to make two assumptions which it is as well to clarify ; first , that each computer is designed independently for a particular application area and to purely technical criteria ; and second , that a computer design is implemented as a fixed set of facilities for all customers .
23 The Report included indeed a comprehensive set of proposals for the prevention of child and adult ill-health .
24 In this way you will soon build up a comprehensive set of notes for revision .
25 Whether it is possible ( or appropriate ) to work out a comprehensive set of criteria for processes such as generalization is an issue which will not be settled until there is a good deal more experience with process criteria in the classroom .
26 In this system one individual worker , employed by an agency responsible for community care services , is appointed to assess the needs of an individual client , plan a comprehensive set of services for the individual , coordinate the various services and follow up the individual 's progress over time .
27 The formula must apply a consistent set of criteria for the allocation of the ASB to schools .
28 As a preliminary , the computer memory was fed with a large set of instructions for translating the program into machine code .
29 Improv provides business an professional users with a unique set of capabilities for dynamic viewing and analysis , and , for building spreadsheets that can be easily reused , modified and shared over a long lifecycle .
30 For the first time , a major interpretative musician has equipped himself with the necessary skills to mastermind his own visualization of the music he conducts , which allows him , in the process , to offer a new generation of music-lovers a sophisticated set of options for the study and appreciation of music in performance .
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