Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [conj] [pron] gave " in BNC.

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1 She knew her limitations better than she knew her worth , and she taught in a private school because it gave her a little more latitude to come and go as she wished — an important point , since she cared for an old mother whom eighty years had made exacting .
2 It was a strange place and it gave him strange ideas ; he was oddly aware of those who had played , and loved and quarrelled there .
3 It was a Scottish voice and it gave her comfort .
4 The series had attracted capacity crowds and Sir Edward faced a packed hall when he gave his address , ‘ At the Heart of Europe ’ .
5 a real hand and I gave you about thirty chances , they all stuck together .
6 No , it was n't a conventional marriage but we gave each other what a lot of married people do n't : freedom .
7 Then occasionally when we had houses broken into and so on , if it was thought that a tramp could have been responsible , it used to be a great help if we gave out nine tickets for tramps and only eight of the nine were admitted to the casual ward , then we should clamp down of course on the one who failed to turn up .
8 A good beating like I gave young Harry now and agin do n't do you nothing but good .
9 I said to them it was placing the team and the ARFU in a terrible situation and I gave them a 5.30 pm deadline otherwise the tour was off .
10 And in the dark , when we lay beneath a single sheet and I gave off a Calabrian sweat , when the middle stretch of the night was shorter but still hard to get through — then , as I turned towards that loose S beside me , she would , with a soft murmur , try to lift the lost hair from the back of her neck .
11 Evette , she brought er a green thing A round thing and she gave it to one of the ladies , I can not remember which one .
12 Under his guidance , Parliament House was transformed from a nineteenth-century warren into a modern court-house and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to explore , and share with others , its secrets and treasures .
13 Schizophrenic Clive Wells was appearing at the Old Bailey accused of killing a 63-year-old man when he gave specialist nurses the slip .
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