Example sentences of "a [noun sg] needs [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such a framework needs to be flexible enough to move with the times , keep abreast of public sympathy , but ensure that their control over our lives remains essentially untouched .
2 A horse needs to be able to use its different senses of sight , hearing , touch , smell , and taste , and to perceive change and variety .
3 A broodmare needs to be roomy , with a good barrel , plenty of length from hip to hock , and sufficient width in the pelvis for foaling to be trouble-free .
4 The United Kingdom as a whole needs to be ready for the challenge ahead .
5 Such a grammar needs to be appropriate to the audience that is to use it , its content needs to be appropriate to the culture of the people whose language is to be learnt , and it needs to progress smoothly from one topic to another .
6 Though the principles of representative government are important to pluralists as embodying equal rights to vote , express opinion and associate with like-minded people for political ends , the individual citizen of a democracy needs to be able to join with others before an interest can be effectively mobilized .
7 As , by law , a speedo needs to be correct to within 10 per cent .
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