Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [vb mod] be found [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oman is placing an order for three patrol craft with French shipbuilders after weeks of waiting in the hope that a buyer might be found for the Tyneside yard .
2 Without it there 's a chance that a buyer can be found for the new slimmed-down company .
3 But he added that unless a buyer could be found for the debt-ridden club , which made a £700,000 loss last year , they could join the dubious ranks of former Football League clubs .
4 During October Year 41 , Sour Ltd was notified that , due to the death of Crowt Ltd 's managing director , who held 30% of the Ordinary Shares , the remaining directors were considering liquidating Crowt Ltd unless a buyer could be found for the shares previously held by the managing director .
5 Between Vaya Con Dios and Moyer 's Buttress , a contrast can be found in the beautifully pure crack of Nowanda .
6 Do n't worry if you do n't have anything to restore though , a piece can be found for you .
7 The kind milkman is now looking after the stray dog , which must have consumed more than 100 pints of milk , until a home can be found for him .
8 The current definition of unfitness ( under the Housing Act 1957 ) lists nine items in which a dwelling must be found to be ‘ reasonably suitable for occupation … ’ .
9 The locals consisted of the party of Sloanes Molly had seen at Nancy Leadbetter 's and another English family with two teenage sons whom Haverford , loudly and explicitly , urged his eldest grand-daughter to ‘ get off with ’ or ‘ drag away to the disco ’ , although he did n't suggest where a disco might be found in Mondano .
10 Eventually such a differential will be found at which buying the existing bills yields a rate of return similar to that available on new ones .
11 The absence of a temple or shrine in the near vicinity and of any obvious religious objects or inscriptions , casts serious doubt on this suggestion , but a shrine may be found at a nearby sacred spring .
12 She had asked William about getting Aggie a cat but he had no idea where a tomcat could be found on the quick and he shook his head .
13 The nub of the question as to whether feminism is compatible with Christianity is that of whether a Christology can be found of which it may be said that at least it is not incompatible with feminism .
14 A concise understanding of the main subject of a book can be found on dust-covers and the backs of paper-bound books .
15 Assuming that a path can be found through the sometimes difficult terrain of the language , this book should show students the advantages to be gained from a collapse of boundaries between the disciplines of art and politics , and from a policy of inclusion rather than exclusion .
16 Support for such a position can be found in the Gospel and Epistles of John .
17 A clue may be found in the geology of those islands , for some of them are granitic and part of the Gondwanaland , which linked India and Africa when they were adjacent .
18 Our fondness each for the other is pure and innocent , a union of two happy souls — it could be that a way will be found for us . ’
19 Speaking during a visit to the Transport and Road Research laboratory at Crowthorne , Berkshire , Mr Parkinson said : ‘ A way will be found around these problems .
20 A way must be found of ending their practices , but not at the expense of the Constitution .
21 Bains believed ‘ that the advice of officers must be available wherever the effective decisions are taken and if it is the party group which makes those decisions then a way must be found of making the officers ’ advice available ’ ( Bains 1972 : 18 — 19 ) .
22 On the other hand , if the simulation is to be carried out by computer a way must be found of getting the computer to generate random sequences of numbers such as would be obtained by throwing a dice a number of times .
23 There is an argument of increasing popularity with government and some of the advisers to government , that since comprehensive schools are widely seen to do worse for their pupils than selective schools in terms of examination results , and since so many people , if they can afford it , are removing their children from the maintained comprehensive sector to independent schools ( which are broadly speaking selective ) a way must be found for government to supply non-comprehensive schools , in the interests of the country as a whole .
24 They can be removed , or a way can be found around them .
25 From almost every other walk of life a way could be found to the city patriciate ; and even the Jew could come there if he would submit to conversion .
26 perhaps a way should be found of ensuring that we experience both the ordinariness and the extraordinariness of the glass , he wrote .
27 A cause and a cure can be found for some of the illnesses of old age , and depression often responds to suitable treatment and sympathetic handling .
28 Jeanne and the baby were to follow as soon as a wet-nurse could be found near the capital .
29 A copy may be found at Appendix A.
30 Sometimes a solution could be found in compromise , in which two candidates would join forces to defeat a third and thereafter share the perquisites of office equitably .
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