Example sentences of "a [noun sg] of control [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It gives you a level of control over the configuration that is cleaner and quicker than anything DR-DOS offers in its question and answer CONFIG.SYS functionality .
2 The second priority will be the division of your holding into a number of main blocks , depending upon your acreage , to give you a measure of control over the grazing of your pastures , to separate groups of stock ( e.g. rams from ewes ) , and to shut off fields for hay or arable crops .
3 The secondary ( vertical ) line is used to fire the shutter and also exercises a measure of control over the kite train .
4 If they were both to preserve a measure of control over the wage structure in a capitalist economy and to win adequate state pensions for their members , then a retirement condition was inevitable .
5 The vital role ( which contemporaries fully appreciated ) played by such relatively small ports as Le Crotoy , at the mouth of the river Somme , in the period 1420–50 , together with the fact that the ports of Dieppe and Harfleur were among the first places to be snatched from English control in 1435 ( leaving them with Cherbourg as the only port from which they could maintain regular links with England between 1435 and 1440 , a vital period in the military history of the occupation ) , shows how important the Burgundian connection was to both main protagonists as they struggled to acquire and maintain a measure of control over the sea .
6 Lastly , a charge affords a chargee a measure of control over the business of the debtor company .
7 Particularly controversial was the Slovak government 's demand for a division of control of the country 's oil and gas pipelines from the Soviet Union , which raised fears in the Czech republic over the supply of vital energy resources .
8 The agreement declares that the member is admitted to clearing membership ; this requires the member to notify LCH of such events as a petition for liquidation , loss of authorisation under the 1986 Act , the imposition of any disciplinary measure by a regulatory authority or a change of control of the member .
9 There are various other points which should be noted about a reverse takeover offer : ( 1 ) Because it involves a change of control in the smaller company it will be necessary for the transaction to be sanctioned by a vote of the independent shareholders in that company and the " Whitewash " procedure followed ( see para 8.5 below ) .
10 Subjects began to feel a loss of control of the course of their thinking .
11 But the price of obtaining the destruction of working-class power and organization was a loss of control over the state by the bourgeoisie and nobility .
12 Feeding either through a series resistance results in a loss of control on the moving diaphragm by the amplifier , usually resulting in a peak in the bass response with a rapid ‘ roll-off ’ below the frequency of the peak .
13 The selection of what are known as quince rootstocks by fruit researchers earlier this century changed the situation by bringing about a degree of control of the vigour of the grafted trees .
14 Offers are always expressed as two or three grades rather than a total of points to retain a degree of control at the confirmation stage .
15 The feeling is growing that since the occupiers of rural land benefit considerably from tax-payers ' money then tax-payers should have access to , and a degree of control over the use of such land .
16 Most librarians prefer to divide orders amongst a number of booksellers in order to give themselves greater flexibility and a degree of control over the standards of service , and also to make use of the specializations of different dealers .
17 The Congress exercises a degree of control over the General People 's Committee , which is broadly equivalent to a Council of Ministers or Cabinet .
18 The Congress exercises a degree of control over the General People 's Committee , which is broadly equivalent to a Council of Ministers or Cabinet .
19 Interactivity in an information system gives the user some influence over access to the information and a degree of control over the outcomes of using the system .
20 In later years the events of 5 October were to be polished into simplified and incompatible propaganda versions ; it has to be stressed that the whole affair was a series of blunders and the violence resulted from a breakdown of control by the leaders of the march and the controllers of the police , and not from any pre-existing plan .
21 The experience of the monetary authorities in carrying out a policy of control of the money supply has not , however , been a happy one ( Leigh-Pemberton 1986 ) .
22 ‘ The use of impeachment at law is a method of control of the Executive by the Commons has been replaced by the convention of ministerial responsibility to Parliament . ’
23 In both craft and continuous-flow production the worker has a sense of control over the work process , claims Blauner .
24 you may gain a sense of control over the ways in which HIV could affect you , your partner and your family
25 To grasp the mystic significance of numbers — for instance , the two poles of Solomon 's litter , and the four struts that supported its canopy — was to acquire ( as some wielders of power in modern times have done through astrology ) a sense of control over the contemporary world : to explain the failure of some policies , to plan and time others more effectively .
26 The heads identified as JYM thus exercise a form of control over the process of viewing and apprehension which is normally denied to portraiture .
27 And it , would it be fair to say Mr that it is a form of control within the police force ?
28 Anglo-Saxon glass displays a variety of colours , especially brown , ochre , yellow , blue and green , which are probably brought about by a lack of control of the furnace conditions rather than by deliberate colouring .
29 The corollary of the possession of power by companies is that the individuals , interest groups , and communities affected by it suffer a lack of control over the conditions which determine how they live their lives .
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