Example sentences of "a [noun sg] of [noun] all over " in BNC.

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1 Algal , lichen and moss communities grow wherever there is a hint of moisture , in a variety of habitats all over the continent .
2 And she 's dropped a tin of paint all over her trainers .
3 You keep meeting the same people in a sector of industry all over the world . ’
4 A tiny creature which cuts a tracery of lines all over the surface of floating foliage .
5 ‘ It 's disgusting , ’ contributed Mrs Harper from time to time , presenting her flat , mean , worthless little counter simply because she could not bear to remain silent , to sit back where others played , although she recognized herself temporarily outnumbered , ‘ disgusting , I call it , ’ and Shirley , hearing this phrase for the millionth time , had a vision of households all over Britain in which censorious , ignorant old bags like her mother-in-law , who had never done anything for the public good , who had nothing positive ever to contribute to any argument , passed judgement on others while stuffing themselves with goose and roast potatoes and sprouts and apple sauce .
6 They have built up a list of people all over the world who have been sending them football songs and now send Beatles covers as well .
7 ‘ We have lost a lot of ponds all over the country , so the ones we do have are even more important as wildlife habitats . ’
8 And the worst thing you can do is to screw it all up by putting a lot of technique all over it ! '
9 I know that there are no easy answers , but if we do not at least attempt to act decisively , Zagreb , Dubrovnik , Vukovar and Osijek could be just the first names on a ghastly roll call resembling those unending , poignant first world war memorials that are such a feature of life all over the continent of Europe .
10 a load of feathers all over his face .
11 The day had got off to a bad start as it was ( late for work , lost the shop key , spilt a load of fish-food all over the floor and then cracked my head on a shelf while clearing it up ) .
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