Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] around " in BNC.

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1 There is no longer any need for you to stick your head in the sand regarding financial matters , come out and take a look at the world around you .
2 In his speech before the Indian Parliament in December 1980 Brezhnev denied that the Soviet Union posed a threat to the Gulf Soviet leaders proposed sureties for Western interests in Gulf oil and by 1981 expressed their readiness ‘ to take part in a settlement of the situation around Afghanistan … linked with matters of Persian Gulf security ’ .
3 Soviet officials were relieved when the Iranian government replaced this extremist plan in July 1982 with the view that a settlement of the situation around Afghanistan should be based on ‘ the principles of Islam and non-alignment ’ .
4 A glance at the inscription around the front face of the lens will tell you the focal length and the maximum f , or aperture number .
5 The research methodology involves a study of the area around a junior school , the social organisation of its population ; an in-depth study of a number of households spanning a range of class and ethnic origins , and a survey of households with children in the same school .
6 Environmental archaeology provides evidence to demonstrate that the human environment has changed many times in the past , each change heralding periods of technological , economic and social change as human societies struggled to find new ways to gain a living from the world around them .
7 I checked that the bomb was all right , especially that the white crystals of the explosive mixture were dry , then added a plastic-straw fuse and a charge of the explosive around the hole bored in the black pipe and taped everything up .
8 On the rare nights that he was not in The Bar Boy would lay out all these papers in a circle on the floor around his bed ( he had this affectation of keeping his bed , a mattress on the floor , in the centre of his small but almost empty room ) .
9 They gazed with a covetousness at the scarf around his throat , the socks under his boots , the pants he stripped off in the Bath house , wanted to hold and feel the texture of the garments of a stranger .
10 It is a sign of the nervousness around Europe that when the Irish asked a week ago for the treaty negotiations to be reopened so that they could amend the abortion protocol , other countries reacted with horror .
11 Priscus was a native of the region around Chartres in Gaul and both may have been employed in the construction of the great bath and temple complex .
12 As she sat rubbing her foot a sense of the ground around her intruded on her anger ; a sense of the garden as a place , with its own shape and past .
13 He was sitting near the far wall , as far from everyone else as possible and , having cleared a space in the rubbish around him , had drawn a crude circle on the floor with a sliver of chalk he had begged from Apanage .
14 It interrogates earlier state , academic and other public responses to the black presence in education , and documents their continuing influence and weaknesses in a critique of the debate around the question of black ‘ underachievement ’ in education .
15 It is relatively easy to see myths as constituting a discourse that provides knowledge for members of a culture of the world around them .
16 Asked why Hulme , with an open goal before him , did not move up further to be certain of his target before shooting , he answered that the man on the field did not have as clear a view of the situation around him as did the spectator and was not always aware of how much time he had for his moves .
17 Through a sophisticated structural analysis of features ranging from window position to door latch , Glassie-reconstructs a major change taking place around the late 1870s ( 1975 : 182 , 185 ) , in which chimneys and central halls became incorporated into the main building , and a new concern with symmetry appears , along with a homogenization of the exterior around a more conspicuously ordered façade .
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