Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [Wh det] happen to " in BNC.

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1 NOW THAT the Carry On series has them rolling in the aisles once more with Carry On Imperialism , NME takes a look at whatever happened to the original team .
2 That summer , however , events were to place a seal on what happened to Lewis in his Magdalen rooms .
3 THE planning system is designed around the idea that people should have a say in what happens to their immediate surroundings .
4 A tale about what happens to selfish people .
5 The photograph shows one of CHESTER 'S servicing teams helping star performer PETER WHITEHOUSE out of the window as a warning to what happens to those who under-perform .
6 Now I was I would n't say surprised because the matter is already well know , but I found an additional piece of evidence for the proposition that while they knew a lot about what happened to their commodities in their countries — how it was produced , how it was distributed internally and how it was sold internationally — they generally did n't have very much information as to what happened afterwards .
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