Example sentences of "and let [pron] [verb] [pers pn] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 However , she allowed him to squire her to the desk , without comment and with a straight face , told him the number of her key , though keys were almost an affectation at ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ , more for ornament than use , and let him take it down for her and escort her to the foot of the oak staircase , which wound in slightly drunken lurches about a narrow well , the polished treads hollowed by centuries of use .
2 Put such facts as we have before the Sheriff and the Merchant Venturers and let them sort it out . ’
3 He watched the engineer go , and then turned and let them take him up to the wall-walk , and down into the beleaguered city where , once , the Genoese had planned to keep him hostage while his company fought for Carlotta .
4 Well you 'd better see Mark first and and let them have them back .
5 ‘ Leave her there and let her sleep it off , ’ said Constance .
6 He clipped the lead on to the dog with cold hands which would hardly function , and let her pull him up the slope as fast as he could make his legs move .
7 If she 's crying for some other reason like because we 've been quarrelling and she wants to make up but does n't know how to I just put my arms round her and cuddle her and let her cry it out .
8 ‘ What you put into the business , ’ Daisy said , ‘ you should have treated it as a loan and let me pay you back the capital .
9 ‘ In that case you must come over some time and let me show you around .
10 She swept me away from the door , along a line of cars , into her aged scarlet mini , gave me a handkerchief , and let me cry it out .
11 But get out of the way and let me turn him in if you 're not goin' to lead him . ’
12 There is a hand-out on professional telephone behaviour , a hand-out on the pleas from the switchboard supervisor , and also a form , a course form , if you could take that with you fill it in and let me have it back sometime .
13 But you could give me this project , put me in charge of the entire operation — and let me see it through .
14 Why not the luxurious et cetera bath , and let me take you out to a decent dinner ? ’
15 Enough then of words , and let us fight it out like very knights .
16 They can settle down more easily in those circumstances but the questionnaire is saying , please will you fill in the answer the following questions and let us have it back .
17 He pulled strongly across into the inshore current , and let it carry him down abreast of the church before he grounded the boat and climbed ashore .
18 If you have failed to brief them properly then they have little option but to either put it on hold or send it back as it came out and let you sort it out .
19 In the end I decided the best thing was to put you to bed and let you sleep it off . ’
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