Example sentences of "and it is difficult [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the purpose is simply intimidatory , as with the racist march , rather than an attempt to coerce persons into taking or not pursuing any particular course of action , and it is difficult to see that conditions could be imposed on a ‘ racist ’ march on this ground alone .
2 For numerous studies have shown that a high percentage of the population have committed criminal offences , in particular high proportions of juveniles , and it is difficult to believe that they are all different or abnormal .
3 By day , Claxby signal box is warm and friendly and it is difficult to believe that any mysterious events could take place there .
4 The change is revolutionary , and it is difficult to believe that Freud had nothing to do with it ( though , possibly , through misunderstandings of what he said ) .
5 They came from a variety of schools and backgrounds and it is difficult to believe that their pupils are more immune to racial prejudice than those mentioned above , or that such wording does not encourage prejudice , albeit subconsciously .
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