Example sentences of "and it [be] [adv] believe that " in BNC.

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1 The celebrated Wasp Pendant ( Figure 28 ) came from a rich burial at Mallia , and it is generally believed that at least some of the Aigina Treasure — found at Aigina , but of unknown provenance — came from Mallia too .
2 Although some NMR studies have shown that it is possible to bind two actinomycin molecules to the tetranucleotide GCGC [ 29 ] , binding of the second molecule is highly anticooperative and it is generally believed that the exclusion site size for actinomycin , under normal conditions , is at least 4 base pairs [ 1 ] .
3 It is most common in older people and it is often believed that there is no cure because it is a sign that the body is wearing out .
4 Hitler 's confidence in early victory made a deep impression , and it was widely believed that the final push would begin in March or April .
5 Gingrich had been the first to lay formal charges which had led to the resignation on June 6 of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Jim Wright [ see p. 36650 ] , and it was widely believed that his own investigation had been initiated in revenge in April by Representative Bill Alexander ( Dem. , Arkansas ) who on Oct. 26 filed new charges against Gingrich for alleged misuse of campaign funds and of congressional stationery .
6 In his letter of Aug. 14 Saddam had underlined his determination " not to keep any of Iraq 's potential outside the arena of the great duel " and it was widely believed that this implied either an intention to consolidate Iraqi gains in Kuwait or launch an attack against Saudi Arabia .
7 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
8 In its northern part wheat was almost unknown , in the whole tract lying between Holkham and Lynn not an ear was to be seen , and it was scarcely believed that an ear could be made to grow .
9 Isolated PHB is highly crystalline , and it was originally believed that the native granules were also crystalline .
10 And it was popularly believed that those ideas were n't prevalent until much later presumably .
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