Example sentences of "and it [be] obvious that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's obvious that he 's made a start with the clunch pit murder ; but that is n't noted either .
2 And it 's obvious that he is just crazy about you , honey .
3 At the end of January , for example , Warnie took Minto and Maureen to the Electra cinema to see the funeral of George V , and it was obvious that they were all much affected by it .
4 We liked Chris very much and it was obvious that they were very happy together , and so we went ahead with plans for the wedding .
5 She was quite attractive except for a very nasty skin condition , her face and arms were covered with a large number of pustules and it was obvious that she had been scratching them ; the scratch-marks were bleeding slightly .
6 And it was obvious that she really cared .
7 When she did , her voice was soft , but tightly controlled , the words clipped , and it was obvious that she was holding her temper in check with the greatest difficulty .
8 ‘ She had a very detailed knowledge of Enya 's music , and it was obvious that she plays it a lot . ’
9 Victoria was an extremely pretty young woman , and it was obvious that she cared for Miguel Rafaelo .
10 He had been given a lesson from a great player and it was obvious that it was one he would never forget . ’
11 You really lost your cool , you 've got to admit it ; and it was obvious that you thought I was completely off my trolley , so you see … ’
12 Daak 's shouted curses were becoming weaker , and it was obvious that he was unable to aim his blaster .
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