Example sentences of "and stare [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Float on my back a bit and stare up at the stars . ’
2 I used to walk between the two parts of the building — that is between my studio/study and the main house — and stare up at the pulley that hangs over the hall , an imitation of the one that hung there in the days when a real miller hoisted his sacks of grain .
3 Retired some years back to grow vegetables on an allotment , and sit and stare out of the window . ’
4 He turned off the light and crossed to the window to stand and stare out across the back of the houses .
5 Unfortunately , over one hour later she found herself lying back against the pillows and staring up at the ceiling , completely unable to go to sleep .
6 ‘ Come on ; do n't just lie there , ’ Andy said matter-of-factly , leaving his cock alone and lying back in the grass , putting his arm behind his head and staring up at the sky .
7 Morse stood where he was , listening , and staring up at the sky as if viewing the unsuspected behaviour of some distant galaxy .
8 Once more on his feet and staring up at the bell rope , Jasper said , ‘ D' you know what I 'd like ?
9 She had let the lines go when the first brutal snap had straightened the nylon , and stood glancing back at me and staring up into the sky as I fought to control the power in the skies above us .
10 ‘ Besides , I fancy a change , ’ she added , raking her hair from her forehead and staring out over the balcony of the apartment .
11 He sat up , rubbing his eyes and staring out at the mist that hung over the grey stone building .
12 He could have been seven hundred miles away , his hand holding the side curtain open a little and staring out at the darkness .
13 My memories of cardiac teaching rounds are of a dozen students queueing to listen to a murmur while the registrar stood at the end of the bed swinging a stethoscope and staring out of the window .
14 The next morning Carolyn stayed in her room and read , dipping in and out of Clare 's books and staring out of the window , feeling surprisingly content .
15 Whores sat on balconies , drinking and staring down into the street .
16 The boy rose to his feet , still gripping the banisters and staring down at the figure in the doorway .
17 Benjamin chewed on his lip and stared up into the darkness .
18 Hearing what sounded like a muttered exclamation of fury at her elbow , Melissa looked around and saw Dora turn on her heel and march off into the orchard , where she stopped under an apple tree and stared up into the branches as if inspecting its heavy crop of fruit .
19 Charlie took a pace backwards and stared up at the name above the shop .
20 He shook his head and stared up at the sun now breaking through the blanket of mist .
21 He lay in bed , for some time , and stared up at the ceiling trying to puzzle it out .
22 Corbett leaned back against the bolster and stared up at the ceiling .
23 Lying back down on the rumpled bed , she stretched luxuriously , then hooked her hands round the bed-head and stared up at the ceiling , a soft smile on her face .
24 The coroner wiped his nose on the back of his hand and stared up at the sky .
25 I lay in my chair and stared up at the stars .
26 He took them out , stopped and stared up at the ravens cawing raucously against the blue sky .
27 They stopped at the foot and stared up at the curtain wall rising above them .
28 I flung myself down on the grass in the sunshine and stared up at the blue .
29 ‘ That last hedge you jumped , ’ her father said , breaking another seemingly endless silence as he stopped and stared up at the facade of the great house .
30 Ben hurried to the shutters and threw them open , then turned and stared back into the room .
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