Example sentences of "and claim that [pers pn] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In January 1982 , Malawi Radio announced that the Chirwas had been arrested with their son on Christmas Eve , and claimed that they had slipped back into the country to incite opposition to Banda 's Government .
2 Reports on Jan. 30 said that two military judges in Padua examining the legality of " Gladio " had , in an interim indictment , charged the organization with " possible acts of terrorism " and claimed that it had maintained close links with the fascist " Marine Star " established after the Second World War .
3 The authorities denied that his arrest in 1987 was solely because he had met pro-North Korean people in Japan and claimed that he had acted on North Korean orders to collect documents on South Korean opposition groups , and to infiltrate dissent groups in order to create social unrest .
4 He had called it " unconstitutional " only on Aug. 21 , and claimed that he had resigned and had not been dismissed .
5 He kept leaping into the darkroom , created for the Photographic Society on the first floor , and claiming that he had heard the sound of munching .
6 UP leaders immediately demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister Carlos Lemos Simmons , accusing him of ultimate responsibility for the crime and claiming that he had encouraged right-wing death squads to murder UP leaders .
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