Example sentences of "and it be clear [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Bill the and John started holding hands about a year ago and it 's already resulted in their engagement and it 's clear that they 're planning their big day for the summer of next year !
2 A thought-provoking , if somewhat radical , plan from the American camp , and it is clear that they would have a strong-looking team .
3 The current economic conditions are particularly challenging and it is clear that we must increasingly earn our living by ingenuity and innovation .
4 Writing these articles increased Marx 's interest in the nature of these societies and it is clear that he read widely , especially about India .
5 In this he was only following in Lanfranc 's footsteps , and it is clear that he expected the king to exercise more authority in ecclesiastical affairs than the more ‘ advanced ’ ecclesiastical theorists of his time thought tolerable .
6 Gloucester was much in demand as an arbiter and as a source of legal redress , and it is clear that he took the matter seriously .
7 It has been said that he provided no leadership and lacked control of the episcopate , and it is clear that he waited on events in 1326–7 , only casting his lot with Isabella and Mortimer when the king 's cause was obviously lost .
8 He is also said to have been a good Greek scholar and a poor preacher , and it is clear that he was retiring and modest .
9 It is interesting that he should have first obtained benefices in the north ; in the late thirteenth century very many royal clerks were beneficed in the province of York , and it is clear that he was in the king 's service by 1262 , acting as a proctor for Henry III in the French court .
10 Gloucester was much in demand as an arbiter and as a source of legal redress , and it is clear that he took the matter seriously .
11 Your appointment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period in the case of misconduct or if your service is unsatisfactory and it is clear that you will not be able to reach the required standard before the end of the probationary period .
12 Your appointment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period in the case of misconduct or if your service is unsatisfactory and it is clear that you will not be able to reach the required standard before the end of the probationary period .
13 Essentially , it was a calculative attitude and it was clear that they managed themselves in the sense that they saw work as being a means to their personal ends , which might be owning a boarding house , for example .
14 The friends of Montrose who supported the various candidates were very troublesome , for political management required careful and friendly replies , and it was clear that they could not all be given the answers they expected or hoped to receive .
15 Mr Arrow met us , and it was clear that he and the squire were very friendly .
16 Alexei 's expression was anguished , and it was clear that he wished himself elsewhere .
17 Neither of them had heard the door open , but suddenly Tom was there , and it was clear that he had heard Faye 's last words .
18 Her face was racked with pain and it was clear that she was very ill .
19 For a while she hovered in the doorway of a film company building and watched the steady but sparse traffic of shoppers , office messengers and business types who were using the pathways through the square 's railed park as a shortcut on their way to somewhere else … but then a gold-braided security guard stepped out and asked if he could help her , and it was clear that she was being told to move on .
20 When Greg returned with the snowball , Margaret Seymour-Strachey had shifted her position so as to be better shielded from the rest of the Saloon Bar , and it was clear that she had not managed to get control over herself , for she was now sobbing away quietly .
21 Beryl was staring at him , her lips were trembling and it was clear that she was deeply disturbed .
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