Example sentences of "and it [be] [adv] clear that " in BNC.

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1 It 's a word that has an easy place in Justin 's conversation , and it 's pretty clear that , unlike most others in his profession , the wonderful world of show is where he basically sees himself being at .
2 But , they also go on headed note paper which says Oxford City Council Environmental Health Department and all the other stuff we put on the top , erm and it 's perfectly clear that they do come from the City Department upon your behalf .
3 And it 's quite clear that the decorative touches have made this house a warm and welcoming home in which to spend Christmas .
4 All I do know is that we 're very conscious a great deal of money 's been spent by the Council and by the Trust to try and make the place outside more inviting those tubs been put there er they been planted etc there 's a lot of litter there we 've put litter bins there there 's taxi rank there there 's lot 's of things been put there I think the problem is it is n't the people who do that I mean it 's the people who actually do the litter and it 's quite clear that we do go out we do tidy up but it happens and it 's a case of balance of what we can do and what you ca n't do but we do work at it I can assure you .
5 Er , on paragraph nine the government 's own figures show that there is a shortfall of glee while the others who have a a social conscience , a and that they 've mixed , the site provision is n't keeping pace with the growth of the number of caravans and yet , what it 's proposing to do in this paper will make the situation worse by removing any incentive erm and any requirement on local authorities actually to provide the sites that are needed to make up that shortfall and it 's quite clear that what this is about is actually what it is happening in housing in general and that is shifting provision from the pri , from the public to the private sector .
6 Look at the implications looking back over it when when Fire and Public Protection had produced their report , but certainly the things are and it 's quite clear that we all know this case in my particular the river has been constricted by some thoroughly bad planning decisions and development control districts and they 're paying them that the owners are paying the penalty for that erm reducing the ditches and er building over them and okay we 've got problems erm so er there are structure plan implications erm which I do n't I think we should miss and if we say that really building on a is a principle well then we should try it right into the structure plan or looking at local plans for approval that we actually look at this a little bit more carefully .
7 We are here to serve people of Cambridge and it 's quite clear that the people of Cambridge do want good services , they want , they want services which which improve the quality of life in in in the cities and this is precisely what is erm spending is there to do .
8 And it 's quite clear that that very high death toll from flu last winter was not because the vaccine was n't working , but because the vaccine was n't getting into the people who needed it .
9 Physiotherapist Bernard Thomas tells Lloyd to touch his nose , and it is soon clear that his vision is impaired .
10 It is clear that individuals in the ‘ higher ’ occupational groupings are far more likely to have high incomes and to be owner-occupiers than those in the lower groupings , and it is also clear that children of higher category parents have a much better chance of extending their education beyond the minimum , and of qualifying for higher status occupations themselves ( Goldthorpe , 1980 , Halsey et al . ,
11 Answer guide : In this case the uncertainty is mitigated as the life is clearly known and it is also clear that the loss in utility relates to time .
12 This is not the stuff of which marriages are made , and it is quite clear that if United do not improve what Celtic consider to be a derisory offer for the Scotland captain , who has made 50 international appearances , there will be no union .
13 Air and ground crews did well and it is quite clear that the OCU effort was in no way inferior to that of the operational Canberra PR squadrons . ’
14 There is no need to say more here about Anselm 's primatial activity : he certainly thought that the evidence was sufficiently strong for him to make a most uncompromising claim to primatial authority over the whole of the British Isles , and it is quite clear that he did not think that the Canterbury claim to this position rested on a series of specific grants by popes after Gregory the Great .
15 Kyle , Woll and Llewellyn-Jones ( 1981 ) have described the opportunities available to BSL learners , and it is quite clear that these are less than adequate in relation to decreasing social distance .
16 The hon. Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) has not had the advantage that I have had of studying these applications with very great care , and it is quite clear that he has not addressed the issue in any great substance .
17 There are now up to twenty Loyalist death squads in activity and it is quite clear that no circumstances given the intensity of their attacks , the geographical spread of their attacks and the reckless abandon of their attacks , there is a very substantial risk to the entire catholic community .
18 And it is fairly clear that the slaves of northern Europe died out between the eighth and the twelfth centuries by absorption into the larger class of serfs or villeins , personally free , but tied to the soil , retaining certain symbols of unfreedom .
19 We do recognise establishment factors , that is adhesions in this part of the process and it is very clear that the capsule is one of the factors which allows the organism to pe , persist because it helps the organism to resist phagocytosis .
20 Coun Jim Knowles said : ‘ We all knew that this proposal would not go through , and it is now clear that we should not be pursuing a policy of closing schools . ’
21 And it is perfectly clear that the old representatives of Lebanese democracy are under considerable pressure to talk about reform and not withdrawal .
22 There was no inherent cost advantage in moving over to an entirely new financing system and it was also clear that whatever system was chosen , taxation would still have to finance a giant share of the service .
23 This was Renault 's fourth year with Williams and it was abundantly clear that the two companies had created a rarely achieved relationship between chassis builder and engine manufacturer , based on mutual respect and a firm resolve to win .
24 After a moment , her mother spoke and it was quite clear that each word was an effort .
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