Example sentences of "and it [is] not difficult [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's fairly clear when you would use a book or an Overhead Projector or a magazine picture in your teaching and it 's not difficult to see that video makes a different contribution .
2 Parties and camcorders do seem to go well together , and it 's not difficult to think of reasons why .
3 Of course , as the sidebands build up , they burn their own holes in the gain and refractive-index spectra , and it is not difficult to envisage the development of pulse shapes as complex as those of Fig. 7.6 , or , indeed , period-doubling and chaos in the pulse train : compare the discussion on passive resonators .
4 Since the force exerted by the spring is the same at both low and high speeds , this makes it feel rather twitchy , and it is not difficult to overstress the aircraft at high speeds .
5 The recent Institute statement of intent on continuing professional education has breathed new life into the debate over the cost of structured CPE , and it is not difficult to see why .
6 For many years there have been proponents of the theory that one of the ‘ lobe-finned ’ fishes included the ancestor of the tetrapods , and it is not difficult to imagine their stumpy fins , with a fleshy core , making the uneasy transition into a walking leg .
7 But in the late 1150s that night in August 1165 was still far away , and it is not difficult to imagine Louis VII 'S exasperated mood .
8 Without the Rights of Way Act the only practical solution would be to stop canoeing on that stretch and move elsewhere ( and it is not difficult to imagine where this would eventually lead ! )
9 In an early 1950s mining community , husbands kept their wives ' allowances low so that they could skip a shift if they wished , but few wives expected their husbands ‘ to work for nothing ’ and it is not difficult to find examples of wives exercising considerable control over all but the husband 's pocket money .
10 Dickens published Sketches by Boz in 1836–7 , just twenty years after Jane Austen 's death , and it is not difficult to discover , by a comparison , why Kingsley should have regarded that book as a watershed in the depiction of fictional living space .
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