Example sentences of "and [pers pn] is hard [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
2 The simultaneous withdrawal of the state from regulative intervention in labour matters clearly advantaged employers and it is hard to deny that all this amounted to class legislation .
3 In Milan the victims and suspected victims — and it is hard to believe that non-sufferers ever survived being suspected sufferers — were herded in to a custom-built enclosure .
4 Rent 's supposed allies appear little more than an improbable amalgam of all those who might be opposed to the regime of Mortimer and Isabella , and it is hard to believe that the conspiracy had such wide-ranging support .
5 Ricci gave a spectacular concert one evening , and it is hard to believe that he is now 75 years old !
6 It has now been restored to a superb family home by the present Lord and Lady Feversham and it is hard to imagine that only a few years ago the house was little more than an empty , echoing shell .
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