Example sentences of "and [pers pn] be [adv] talking to " in BNC.

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1 So do I and I was just talking to her downstairs and I was asking her like the differences between here and the States , you know the boar cos she was in a boarding school before , and she was saying erm how you know just generally the people are nicer and the blokes talk to you not just because you 're cos they
2 No we no she 'd got out the pool you see , she was I did n't recognize her , she said oh it looks like all the family 's here and I was only talking to Evelyn and , and I kept trying to place her and it was only when she said oh Rebecca was born a month after cos she 's died her hair a different colour , I did n't , just did n't recognize her at all .
3 About half of the sixty-five guests had wandered through into the lecture hall , but since Anthea was due to give the address and she was still talking to the professor , there was time to spare .
4 Erm there 's another Econ Soc the Economic Society putting on a lecture at five o'clock on Wednesday er in A forty two and the topic there is What 's Happening to the Distribution of Income in Britain and he is also talking to the Public Sector .
5 Nothing more exciting than that appeared on the horizon in his first six months in California , and he was already talking to June about going back to Mud and Neptune .
6 They 're gon na catch me ’ and he was just talking to the film crew and not the camera and was not conscious of the fact there was probably 14 million people watching it .
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