Example sentences of "and [conj] a [adj] proportion of " in BNC.

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1 The view of the salesperson as being a slick fast-talking confidence trickster is unrealistic in a world where most sellers depend upon repeat business and where a high proportion of selling is conducted with professional buyers .
2 It was estimated that in August nineteen forty the war was costing between six and seven million pounds a day and that a great proportion of it must come from the savings of the people .
3 We saw earlier how children from poorer backgrounds were disadvantaged by their home environment before they reached school , and that a lower proportion of poorer children gained a place at a nursery or a playgroup than did children from richer homes .
4 If we look at the ways in which we handle daily tasks , we shall probably find a strong ritual element there , and that a fair proportion of the setting-to-rights we do is as much for our personal well-being as from physical necessity .
5 For example , it is known that attempts usually follow acute and serious interpersonal conflict , that chronic difficulties and social problems are common , and that a large proportion of patients have taken steps to gain help from their family doctors before the attempt .
6 When one considers that relatively few women were accused , and that a large proportion of the population were children , it is clear that a remarkably high number of adult males , around one in five , were brought before the courts each year .
7 Prior approval is not required ( except in SSSIs and National Parks in the UK , but then not from the Agriculture Department ) and in assessing schemes financially , MAFF has disregarded the fact that it has in the past contributed 50–70% of the scheme 's cost and that a high proportion of the profit to be earned is public money in the form of HLCAs .
8 Figures from the Federal Elections Commission and the Census Bureau suggested that 35 per cent of the US electorate — some 65,000,000 potential voters — were unregistered , and that a high proportion of these were poor and were members of minority communities , the traditional constituents of the Democratic Party .
9 The clinic and endoscopy were initially held in Nottingham , but because of relatively poor attendance at the clinic and since a large proportion of the retired miners in the North Nottinghamshire Pension Scheme live in and around Mansfield , a session was held in the endoscopy unit at King 's Mill Hospital , Mansfield .
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