Example sentences of "and [pron] is [adv] possible [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In extensional flow , however , provided the strain rate exceeds the relaxation rate , that is , the rate at which a chain attempts to re-coil itself in order to increase its entropy , full extension of a chain can occur and it is even possible to cause chain scission , as evidenced by molecular weight studies made on solutions which have been subjected to high extensional flows .
2 There are many interesting walks around the town and on the Dales and it is also possible to take a mini-bus tour from Middleham of the popular areas of Wensleydale and Swaledale , with a local resident acting as guide .
3 It is possible to treat each of the pair , as a single consonant phoneme ( we will call this the one-phoneme analysis of , ) , and it is also possible to say that they are composed of two phonemes each — either plus or plus all of which are already established as independent phonemes of English ; this will be called the two-phoneme analysis of and .
4 Because different people will affect the circuits in different ways the Trickstick can be adjusted for sensitivity and it is also possible to use it in a switch-type mode .
5 I know that Brother supply a black pen with the Knitleader and it is also possible to buy three other colours from them .
6 The list itself contains a description , and it is generally possible to tell from that which features are protected .
7 This may be too strong ; it is possible to state " general rules " for the interpretation of some common provisions , but those rules are only rebuttable presumptions and it is generally possible to find authorities to support a different interpretation .
8 No conscious effort is required , and it is sometimes possible to carry on a non-relevant activity , e.g. holding a conversation , whilst performing the activity .
9 This is something that you may feel a need to be sure of , and it is quite possible to devise tests which will give at least a good indication of the likely impact of the ad in these terms .
10 ‘ According to one dogma , world history is in some sense a coherent whole , and it is therefore possible to affirm that certain events have a unique significance for the entire story .
11 Ottar , for example , seems not to have composed his Knútsdrápa until after 1025 , at least ten years later than the campaigns of 1015 – 16 which it largely describes , and it is therefore possible to query details not confirmed by the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle .
12 By Ottoman reckoning Molla Fenari would have been twenty in Safar 770 , and it is perhaps possible to suppose that he could have returned from Egypt in time to be appointed at the end of the year .
13 We are at the Red Flag stage with IT , and it is hardly possible to anticipate how the future will work out .
14 Whilst that remains a possibility , it would be an extreme position to adopt , and it is still possible to visualize a full role for a dynasty of Minoan kings .
15 One of the problems with not getting killed climbing while still young is that you reach such a great age that your standard falls mercilessly , and it is only possible to relive great exploits by reading about yourself in guidebooks .
16 Although the excavations are not yet wholly complete , many hectares of the town have now been revealed to the light of day , and it is now possible to stroll along the abandoned streets once more with the remains of shops , houses and villas on either side .
17 However , more heterogeneity is seen at the gene level and it is now possible to examine that α 1 AT genotype using techniques including polymerase chain reaction and hybridisation to ASO probes .
18 With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls , however , a corpus of Essene material was made available for the first time , and it is now possible to assess the Essenes on their own terms .
19 The situation has changed and it is now possible to determine , for example , how much oxygen is being used by a particular area of the brain while a subject does a task like reading or memorizing a word list ( Raichle 1983 ) .
20 When you also have the option of adjusting the angle of the bench the range of exercises is greatly increased , and it is then possible to develop different parts of muscles much more easily .
21 The tips of the radial shields are sometimes visible and it is usually possible to see the extent of the shields beneath the disk scales .
22 This can still be done , old components can still be obtained and it is often possible to restore 50/60 year old , or even older , wireless sets to their former glory .
23 After symptoms of infection have disappeared , the virus may stay around the body for some considerable time , and it is often possible to grow it as long as one year after the infection has taken place .
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