Example sentences of "and [art] good deal of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first is the saga of the protagonist 's marriage annulment , involving several hearings , frequent trips to Rome , and a good deal of frustration .
2 These are , of course , commercially important questions and a good deal of money is going into the collection of such data by insurance companies .
3 All life , for instance , all sustenance , all meaning ( and a good deal of money ) issues from a single household appliance : the toilet handle .
4 With a reasonable amount of intelligent deduction and a good deal of luck they find the loot of churches on the Spanish Main hidden by the priest-turned-pirate Domingo Mugnoz .
5 The final communiqué was notable for its extraordinary length and a good deal of self-congratulation ( as when it referred to ‘ the age-old tradition of tolerance and universality ’ which the assembled countries personified ) , yet no-one could deny its significance as a symbol of the Third World renascence .
6 All the same there is a growing swell of support for electoral reform within the Labour movement and a good deal of support among MPs .
7 However , a good number of geographers have conducted recreational surveys in the last 20 years and a good deal of experience in the methods and techniques for conducting visitor surveys , in particular , has been obtained , so that it is now generally agreed that the following procedure should be followed :
8 The Elms , who seemed to stand next in line , were plain and sturdy , with pale-ish bark for skin and a good deal of greenery .
9 ‘ Preoccupation with keeping afloat in a cruel environment produced an indifference to questions about the meaning of the world and a good deal of scepticism about most schemes for changing it . ’
10 You 'll also remember it was quite a lively debate , history lessons , buckets and spades presented to the platform and a good deal of passion .
11 Her marriage to Estabrook had come and gone along that river , and a good deal of pain with it .
12 Such data are usually extensive and a good deal of compression can be achieved by working in fixed format mode where each item of data for a sample unit occupies its own particular field ( position ) in the line being typed .
13 There is little public interest in the business of politics and a good deal of contempt for the political process and the political class .
14 £ Well , I think I really had better stop there , and then if you want to ask any questions erm we can go into them , but perhaps I could just mention two things that I would like to have said more about , one was , that you probably know , there were three or two major epidemics in Oxford , of what they call plague , but it was probably a form of typhus , in 1643 and 44 , and a good deal of sickness , I think , still in 1645 , and the other was that there was a very serious fire , which almost certainly arose from these kind of living conditions , because Anthony Wood says it was a soldier roasting pig , erm and I think a lot of cooking went on in very unsuitable situations .
15 Inspired by the arrival of The Beatles to play the guitar , he bought a cheap Harmony electric and a Kalamazoo amp and dabbled for a few years before joining a high school covers band , playing soul , rock and a good deal of Hendrix .
16 In a place like Alberta , with that much capital and a good deal of know-how , which he himself had , the boy could be quite wealthy before he was forty .
17 The library , which had not been in use since Sir John Merchiston 's death some seven years earlier , was a very pleasant room , positioned opposite the ballroom , between Araminta 's parlour and the big saloon , with panelled walls , quantities of shelving , an ivory inlay desk , leather chairs before the fireplace , and a good deal of light , even on this overcast day , coming in from a glazed door leading out into a pretty walled garden .
18 It was showing Pretty Woman and a good deal of Julia Roberts .
19 There was now no doubt about murderous intention on someone 's part and the certainty made me perversely angry , stimulating renewed strength and a good deal of bloody-mindedness .
20 In Some instances there may be a good many more than one , but here again the magazines will specialise in a specific area and a good deal of study is required to make sure that a particular magazine will be to use the material you are planning to send to it .
21 Much language study , and a good deal of language teaching , has always been devoted to sentences .
22 This fluidity of grouping practice , in classrooms dominated by curriculum-specific work areas in which a wide range of totally dissimilar tasks were simultaneously undertaken , occasionally led to extremely complex organizational problems and a good deal of confusion .
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