Example sentences of "of the effects of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , a research proposal has been submitted to the Leverhulme Trust for a study of the influence of housing tenure on mobility through an investigation of the effects of redundancy on labour market and housing in 3 regions .
2 The project will be the first direct comparison of the effects of plague on two major cities in seventeenth-century Europe : Florence and London .
3 Our data extend the knowledge of the effects of cisapride on oesophageal motility .
4 The rate of inflation used is the RPI and each index-linked issue has a base level for the calculation of the effects of inflation on coupons and redemption values .
5 It said that its study had not discovered any conclusive evidence on the damage done to humans by low-level exposure , but it stated that the lack of information and knowledge of the effects of exposure to low doses of the chemicals over a long period had led the working party to adopt the precautionary principle that absence of evidence was not evidence of absence .
6 The study includes an examination of the effects of differences in the tax regimes applicable to companies and to unincorporated firms .
7 The analysis of the effects of protection on the UK economy in the 1930's is being conducted at three levels ; an inter-industry comparison , evaluation of the macroeconomic impact and a comparison of the UK 's experience with the other main industrial countries .
8 At first sight they seemed distinct : voting patterns were not related to policy issues ; people spoke of their voting intentions in terms of fraternal solidarities , while they conducted a subtle and nuanced assessment of the effects of government on their own lives and on national prestige .
9 Combining paracetamol with methionine , as Bray suggests , may not be the answer , but surely the manufacturers of paracetamol should take a more responsible attitude by at least placing a more specific warning of the effects of overdose on the packaging .
10 This is one of the effects of lack of oxygen , but also of dehydration at the end of a long day 's excitement .
11 In order to form an estimate of the effects of weathering on small mammal bones , pellets from a barn owl collection from Stratton , Dorset ( see Append .
12 This suggests that economic and political factors are vital in shaping the nature and extent of the effects of changes within these institutions , an argument that will be examined more closely in later chapters .
13 These extensions will facilitate the analysis of the effects of changes in the structure of commodity taxes and of unemployment benefits .
14 Answer guide : Because of the effects of changes in other factors such as the price of the asset which will mean that the cost of replacement is greater than the original cost .
15 Discussion of the effects of changes in the stock of money goes back hundreds of years .
16 Given the clear evidence of the effects of immigration as an issue in some earlier general elections , who can be certain that this coverage did not switch votes away from Labour , or at least re-attached previously deserting Tories ?
17 This need not necessarily involve a direct analysis of the effects of colonialism as such , but can also consist of a relentless anatomization of the collusive forms of European knowledge .
18 Consideration of the effects of stress in the workplace has meant that for many employers the workaholic has become bad news .
19 This approach is based on follow-up work to a project on protection of children thought to have been abused or neglected and on empirical studies of the effects of divorce on family income , published 1986 by OUP under the title of ‘ Maintenance after Divorce ’ and para-legal decision-making on divorce .
20 Secondly , a disaggregated study of the effects of unions on wages , redundancies and labour force turnover is being undertaken using both industry and firm level data .
21 The reader presumably can just as easily reconstruct an alternative context ( e.g. a description of the effects of marijuana on a Nativity play performance ) in which Mary would not be proposed as ‘ the topic of the discourse ’ .
22 Tizard 's study , for example , gives a positive picture in terms of the effects of adoption on the child 's development and the creation of an affectionate family unit , as compared with long-term fostering or restoration of a separated child to the natural mother .
23 Unpleasant details of the effects of war in Vietnam filtered through : there were stories of servicemen on drugs and of rebellious troops turning on their officers .
24 If France 's surviving financial records are not as good as English ones , her legal archives , particularly those of that great central institution , the Parlement of Paris , have left us with a remarkable human record of the effects of war upon society in France in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries .
25 It is being used in research to gain a greater understanding of the effects of radiation on biological tissue , including studies of radiation induced changes in bone marrow .
26 We have been speaking , so far , of the effects of context on the meaning of a single lexical unit .
27 A micro-level investigation of the effects of uncertainty on fixed investment
28 Close on line monitoring of the effects of interferon on viral replication revealed that in several patients HBeAg and HBV-DNA serum values decreased continuously and were almost negative when treatment was stopped ( week 24 ) at which point a relapse occurred .
29 In practice little is known about outcomes in terms of the effects of care on the duration and quality of life and " intermediate " outcome measures have to be used such as those mentioned by Pollitt ( 1992 ) .
30 Although the traditional approach is precisely this , Professor Preston argues that it is no longer adequate because of the effects of secularisation on Western society .
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