Example sentences of "of the nature of [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sociologists and social anthropologists now have a clearer understanding of the nature of their propositions , seeing them as attempts to provide interpretative accounts of one social group 's ways of living to another group , which has a different set of values and assumptions .
2 For many operators this involves a complete reappraisal of the nature of their enterprise , and underlines the importance of attaining more permanent occupancy of their site .
3 The new unionists , he discovered , were wrong in supposing that funds mattered less in the class struggle than the unity and solidarity of the workers and the Seamen were at a disadvantage compared with other unions in having , because of the nature of their occupation , to appoint and pay so many full-time officials .
4 But even had I been told something of the nature of their relationship , I am not sure that I would have understood or believed , or felt betrayed .
5 People with mental disorder can not act like consumers in the ordinary sense of the word because of the nature of their problems — they can not , for example , forsake the NHS for another service as they might McDonalds for Burger King — but we can , nevertheless , devise ways of listening to what they have to say and ensuring their voices are heard .
6 However , there are some people who , because of the nature of their work , have automatic permission .
7 In other words it is the development of literate modes of communication that provides the basis for making a distinction between two kinds of society , and those modes themselves have determining effects : if some societies are more ‘ scientific ’ and ‘ logical ’ than others , it is not on account of the nature of their thought processes but because their acquisition of literacy has released these capacities .
8 Because of the nature of their following , they are still categorised as an ‘ alternative ’ outfit .
9 Other aspects of care , however , are common to all patients regardless of the nature of their illness .
10 In this type of mistaken fabrication of early history , by the construction of an opposite to the present , Marx and Engels were following many other writers of their time but , as we shall see , because of the nature of their theory , this was particularly harmful in their case .
11 Neither Richard Gough nor Ian Ferguson was included in yesterday 's Scotland squad because of their injury difficulties and Roxburgh 's comment on the rest was that Rangers , in keeping with other clubs , would be given every consideration because of the nature of their programme .
12 Because of the nature of their role in cellular development , genes encoding proteins with tyrosine kinase activity form a large proportion of known proto-oncogenes .
13 The outcome , instead , was an illustration of how a report of a committee of inquiry can be used to disarm and neutralise public and parliamentary agitation , regardless of the nature of its findings .
14 Because of the nature of its business , a high proportion of IDEC 's work-force are professional and technical staff possessing scarce skills in software and systems design and hardware engineering .
15 an indication of the nature of its business .
16 Where the conventional wooden frame is inappropriate , as in many forms of modern art , the gallery itself provides the larger frame which is an index of the nature of its contents ; or , at a still more abstract though obviously more explicit level this function is performed by the category art itself .
17 You know if you got five or six thousand and a few go back to work you know , they can start getting a production run going , but because of the nature of our work , everyone depends on everyone else .
18 News judgements contain within them an implicit understanding of the nature of our society , where power lies and how it is or should be exercised .
19 It is unattainable , not because of the nature of things , but because of the nature of our faculties .
20 Commenting on the upheaval , store manageress and pharmacist Paula Morgan said : ‘ Although the bomb completely devastated our premises we felt that because of the nature of our business we had a loyalty to our customers to continue trading .
21 But because of the nature , because of the nature of our amendment , we do need to remind the opposition that er prior to that date was facing major social economic problems as vital services in the local economy fell victim to the consequences of planning thirty million out of the budget in order to bring in a low poll tax .
22 I 'm simply saying that because of the nature of our interest in guitars and playing , that 's the way it is .
23 Because of the nature of his studies he was sent to work at the Esso refinery at Fawley .
24 But again , too evident delight in surmounting a difficulty which was after all self-imposed suggests that the Resident 's obscuration of the nature of his influence was primarily not a form of reticence or uncertainty , but of display .
25 There is no doubt that his duty extends to informing his patient , if asked , of the nature of his illness and its likely prognosis .
26 Although he was a first offender and there was no suggestion he might try to escape , because of the nature of his offence the governor , Thomas Hayes , decided that Blake should be placed on the escape list . ’
27 According to Mr Abbell , his case is of interest only because of the nature of his clients .
28 Thus , if a patient who is aware of the nature of his condition and competent to make a decision refuses further treatment from his doctor , then continued treatment is unlawful , as constituting a battery or a criminal assault .
29 He had to think like this because of the nature of his employment , whereby he was often required to make inflated claims for the nature and properties of the products which his clients wished to bring to the daily notice of the populace .
30 But while he was interested in giving as complete an idea as possible of the nature of his subjects , he was not so much interested in the formal , sculptural properties of individual objects as in their relationships to each other and to the space surrounding them .
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