Example sentences of "is [adj] [verb] [prep] mind [art] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Minister also accept that , in considering agriculture , it is crucial to bear in mind the responsibility of all involved in the food chain , from production to consumption , to ensure that at all times consumers get good , healthy , pure products at the best possible price ?
2 It is useful to bear in mind the sharp distinction between those artefacts which , to use , the user needs to have to hand , and those which can be used remotely .
3 In doing this , it is useful to bear in mind the historical location of Adorno 's writings on popular music .
4 But even when you are constrained by having to answer a question set for you , it is useful to bear in mind the range of possible essay genres , so that you can decide exactly which combination of focus and mode of argument you are required to adopt .
5 It is well to bear in mind the intention behind the summonses of medieval gatherings .
6 To appreciate the impact that O'Neill had on Ulster , it is important to bear in mind the power of symbols .
7 Since citizenship has become a fashionable and acceptable word , it is easy to slip into the habit of using it in preference to ‘ individual rights ’ or ‘ human rights ’ , but it is important to bear in mind the desirability of keeping the private sphere of the life of the individual separate from his role as citizen , an essentially political role and status .
8 More important , however , it accords with the universally acknowledged realities ( as , indeed , Lord Sankey indicates ) and here it is important to bear in mind the significance of the ‘ realities ’ for the purpose of constitutional laws .
9 It is important to bear in mind the wide range of inter-agency linkages that may be necessary without reference to the subject matter of those linkages .
10 As Community law exerts an ever greater effect on the interpretation of British legislation , it is important to bear in mind the specific characteristics of Community legal texts and the particular rules governing their interpretation .
11 It is important to bear in mind the fundamental rule of agency law , that the acts of an agent are only binding on the principal if the agent had actual or apparent authority to perform those acts .
12 When setting up a user hierarchy within LIFESPAN , it is advisable to bear in mind the following points :
13 It is essential to keep in mind the kind of healthy look you are aiming for , as well as your goal for weight .
14 In presenting the story it is necessary to bear in mind the effect of the information-expectancy syndrome on pupil 's attitudes — that is , the way in which people tend to look for " facts " as what matters : this means that unless content is useful , novelty and sheer immediate interest or entertainment are what count .
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