Example sentences of "it would be [adj] to think [that] " in BNC.

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1 It would be pleasant to think that this decision was made purely on conservation and environmental grounds , but on all the evidence of the past this seems unlikely .
2 But , I think it would be illusory to think that we can maintain our profits from land in ninety three at the same level as it had been for ninety one and two .
3 ‘ After all this time , it would be possible to think that the verdict is unimportant , but it is very important , ’ said Labour MP for Great Grimsby Austin Mitchell .
4 TODAY being Armistice Day , it would be nice to think that this afternoon 's League programme can be completed without the police having to separate fighting footballers .
5 Best New Band was the smooth and highly wrought funk ensemble , Roadside Picnic ( it would be nice to think that the more raw-boned but full-blooded Pinski Zoo had run them close ) , Andy Sheppard walked off with both Best Instrumentalist and Best Album prizes ( the latter for Introductions In The Dark ) , and Stan Tracey picked up Best Composer .
6 It would be nice to think that it was a very prosperous affair .
7 It would be nice to think that all this is true .
8 It would be nice to think that these incidents are isolated but they are not .
9 It would be nice to think that the tree frogs had legends about it .
10 It would be nice to think that they thought the sun and moon were distant flowers — a yellow one by day , a white one by night .
11 It would be nice to think that she woke up one day and thought , ‘ I 've got to do Michael 's show . ’
12 It would be nice to think that this presentation is the end of it and that the client says " Go ahead " , and the agency produces the campaign .
13 It would be nice to think that we do n't have to consider this , we did n't have to have meetings with our local police to decide what we 're going to do on the day of the match in case there is trouble .
14 It would be nice to think that a rapid flow of projects will be generated by this initiative and in due course this may be so .
15 It would be nice to think that someone was .
16 This is within , as members will be aware , the overall financial position that the County Council finds itself in , of having to get its expenditure within the cap , and the fact that the increase in cap for the authority as a whole , does not in any way , mirror the increase in standard spending assessment for Social Services Committee , where we have been fortunate in terms the increase for this county , erm , and a variety of other factors which , which mean that it would be nice to think that where S S A increases for this Committee , it also increases for the County Council .
17 Well , I mean you may be right I ca n't be I 'm not I 'm not absolutely certain myself but er it would be nice to think that we were represented at a local authority level , yeah , by different cross-sections of our community .
18 It would be nice to think that the case Alfred McTear began might be the one . ’
19 It would be nice to think that this is allowed , that children are allowed to play out their fears and their feelings erm but I do believe it 's when they 're young that we need to start building up this self esteem and , you know , giving them permission if you like to talk quite comfortably about emotions .
20 It would be naive to think that all a Labour government has to do is increase revenue support , encourage greater investment and Britain 's railway system would automatically catch up with the best in Europe , ’ he said .
21 Nevertheless , it would be naive to think that black talent is going to come running into tennis merely by stating that fact .
22 It would be naive to think that HIV has not crossed the border yet , but compared with other countries Albania is in a favourable position to keep the pandemic within limits .
23 However , it would be wrong to think that foxes are a nuisance everywhere .
24 It would be wrong to think that the Plowden Report was the inspiration for their spread .
25 In spite of the proliferation of stylometric authorship studies , it would be wrong to think that attribution is the only goal for statistical studies of style .
26 However , it would be wrong to think that they use Creole mainly in response to Creole utterances .
27 I 'm against some sorts of professionalization , but it would be silly to think that the university should have nothing to do with any profession .
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