Example sentences of "it was generally [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 While it was generally recognized that the new novelists drew a great deal on their eighteenth and nineteenth century predecessors , this was regarded not as a fault but , on the contrary , all the more reason for admitting them as new bearers of the old standard ( Hansford Johnson 1949:235–3 , Wilson 1958:viii ) .
2 Fineview was considered by its residents to be an old-established family neighbourhood but it was generally felt that the cohesion was being destroyed by the increasing numbers of properties converted to the rental market .
3 It was generally felt that the legislation was nothing more than a publicity exercise , carried out under severe pressure from the USA and the Free State government .
4 To make matters worse it was generally believed that the spirit of the child would remain in the body of the mother , and so for three days after the actual birth the mother had to sit by a wood and bamboo fire and sweat out the child 's spirit so that the child should be completed and the mother freed from what was now an alien spirit inside her .
5 During the 1950s and 1960s it was generally believed that the weak and strong nuclear forces were not renormalizable ; that is , they would require an infinite number of infinite subtractions to make them finite .
6 It was generally believed that the poor performance of the front-end systems required this .
7 The corporation cited planning and zoning regulations for refusing these applications but it was generally assumed that the real reason was that the new houses would have been built in Unionist-controlled wards but would have been inhabited by Catholics .
8 In interviews with a number of panel members filling various roles in the project , and including members of the coordinating committee , it was generally acknowledged that the panel was often less than well chaired , with a fairly universal feeling that it lacked direction and a clear sense of purpose .
9 While it was generally accepted that the country was economically near bankruptcy and would need time and a continuation of generous American aid to effect recovery , few people doubted the economy could be rebuilt faster than that of devastated Europe and Japan .
10 At the start of this century it was generally accepted that the care and control of the mentally ill and subnormal should be a public responsibility .
11 It was generally accepted that the role of wife and mother was incompatible with a career , not only because of the time and energy required , but also because of the very different qualities and characteristics it demanded .
12 By the end of 1990 it was generally accepted that the economy had entered a period of recession , although there remained significant differences over the depth and the likely duration of the downturn .
13 It was generally reported that the events in Mashad — Iran 's holiest city , close to the border with Turkmenistan and Afghanistan — had involved some 2,000 rioters acting with a degree of organization .
14 Last year , at the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund , it was generally agreed that the US deficit was less of a threat because it was on a downward path .
15 It was generally agreed that the churchyard of St Andrew 's was an exceptionally pleasant place .
16 It was generally agreed that the right to communicate was rarely upheld in African countries .
17 It was generally agreed that the right to communicate was rarely upheld in African countries .
18 As Gillespie remarks , even in Edinburgh , the craft unions were able to see to it that only union men worked Linotypes , and " by the end of the century , it was generally agreed that the effect of machines on employment had not been so bad as feared " .
19 In the late '20s and early '30s it was generally agreed that the two main treatment principles in coeliac disease were rest and diet .
20 It was generally agreed that the discussion session has been most valuable and that if possible at least one a year should be included in the Q.T. day programme .
21 It was generally agreed that the costs of cutting emissions would be economically impossible for them .
22 But in France and England , by the early twelfth century , it was generally expected that the vassal would pay an ‘ aid ’ when the lord was captured in war and had to be ransomed , when his eldest son was knighted , and when his eldest daughter was married .
23 It was generally estimated that the government would be able to secure 25 per cent of the votes to have an effective veto , whereas the ANC would be unlikely to win the support of more than 70 per cent of the interim government .
24 By this time it was generally considered that the forests were anachronistic and unprofitable .
25 But it was generally thought that the disposal of a children 's hearing would not be treated as a conviction .
26 His transactions with his fellows began to lose their artificiality and it was generally admitted that the Prince was losing his rough edges .
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