Example sentences of "it is perhaps [adj] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps dubious to argue that a prayer or worship becomes more efficacious if more people join in , but there is no doubt that man was created a social animal and ritual that is shared is ritual that becomes more meaningful .
2 It is perhaps trite to say that the educational policy is only as good as its actual implementation in the classroom , but it is a point overlooked in the search for a panacea in deaf education .
3 It is perhaps surprising to find that Jacques married for the first time on 31 March 1728 at the age of 55 .
4 It is perhaps misleading to state that definitional overlap selects the ’ correct ’ word in any particular case , because ultimately the correct word is a product of the writer 's original intentions , and is therefore subjective .
5 It is perhaps possible to say that a particular child tends towards introversion and , further , that he or she is therefore more likely to engage with characters such as Tom in Philippa Pearce 's Tom 's midnight garden , Max in Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , or Tolly in Lucy Boston 's Green Knowe stories , than a more extrovert reader .
6 By Ottoman reckoning Molla Fenari would have been twenty in Safar 770 , and it is perhaps possible to suppose that he could have returned from Egypt in time to be appointed at the end of the year .
7 And those of you who see this as some bureaucratic nightmare or the real face of 1984 — that is , State imposition of values and goals — it is perhaps helpful to recall that this is what happens now in an unsystematic , and therefore inefficient , way ; and , of course , it is the route accepted by that arch-priestess of free choice , Mrs Thatcher .
8 It is perhaps disappointing to note that over a quarter of the total sample fell into this latter category , and it may be emphasized that staff in libraries of all sizes have training needs .
9 It is perhaps appropriate to remember that childbirth is not some minority interest .
10 As a basis for this calculation it is perhaps appropriate to assume that a single sprinkler system should be capable of dealing with three fires simultaneously involving the operation of all sprinkler heads in any vertically-related sections in which they might occur .
11 This view is essentially anthropomorphic ; we are mammals after all and it is perhaps comforting to think that our own distant relatives so directly proved their supremacy over slow-witted reptiles that had nothing to fight with but their bulk .
12 It is perhaps obvious to state that it is essential for all stories shared to be authentic i.e. not to make up stories — for if stories are fabricated the work of passing on the flame of faith will not happen .
13 In view of the appearance of certain heads in the Demoiselles , however , it is perhaps permissible to think that his recollections are not completely accurate .
14 This exclusion of higher education from consideration by sociologists of education must in part be due to the fact that higher education is not compulsory ; it is perhaps difficult to argue that something which is a matter of choice can in any sense be repressive .
15 It is perhaps fair to say that while the balances are maintained , we are on the whole more conscious of evil as an objective power and of good as a subjective impulse ; Mordor and ‘ the Shadow ’ are nearer and more visible than the Valar or ‘ luck ’ .
16 The GASB subsequently adopted an approach that is closer to the integral approach than the differential approach , though it is perhaps fair to say that the resulting list of user needs is closer to maintaining the status quo in governmental accounting while leaving the door open to the adoption of business accounting ideas in some areas .
17 It is perhaps significant to record that the capacity of Naseby was increased during the 1930's by raising the crest of the outlet weir by 2 feet .
18 Whilst the 1985 Act obliges us to ‘ afford access to our lands for the purposes of knowledge and enjoyment ’ , it is perhaps true to say that most visitors , possibly as many as 95% , make use of the Gardens as an amenity , and that we may have failed to emphasise the ‘ knowledge ’ goal .
19 Many of the farmers on the committees , whether council or ministerial appointees , are conservationists too and it is perhaps important to stress that it is not the quality of the individuals involved that is of concern .
20 Here there is not such a clear break-point in the trend , though it is perhaps important to note that until the mid-1960s there were fairly regular fluctuations up and down , but since then no downward fluctuation has ever dipped significantly below the peak of preceding cycles .
21 It is perhaps interesting to note that whilst the LMS legislation would appear to be part of a wider strategy for the control of public expenditure , it has now spawned a range of better-informed pressure groups which , when focusing on the quality of the education service , find themselves increasingly calling for greater expenditure on books , teaching materials , equipment and the maintenance of school premises !
22 It is perhaps interesting to note that the other two competitors in the PC market , GEM Desktop Publisher and Timeworks , both mimic the Ventura approach .
23 It is perhaps interesting to note that Baines in his History of Lancashire tells us that there are no mines at work in this Parish , nor any minerals found , except some fine specimens of copper ore which are picked up occasionally near the brooks in Rusland !
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