Example sentences of "it is reasonable [to-vb] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 It is reasonable to ask whether the Caribbean community in London has such a distinctive variety of English , characterised by features of accent , grammar or vocabulary which are closely identified with members of that community only .
2 Centromeres are portions of the DNA that hold the two halves of a divided chromosome together , and it is reasonable to suppose that the centromeres of a given species would be more like one another than like the centromeres of another species .
3 If life has developed for the enjoyment that it brings , and it started with the existence of a single cell , then it is reasonable to suppose that the single cell was capable of the detection of an extremely small measure of ‘ pleasure ’ which it could experience by satisfying some ‘ desire ’ .
4 It is reasonable to suppose that the ‘ leading ’ industries will be willing to concede money wage increases to their workers equal to the rate of productivity growth : this will not in itself be inflationary as the average price level in these industries can be held constant .
5 It is important to establish , therefore , whether or not it is reasonable to suppose that the children of lone mothers represent a significant proportion of the unoccupied group recorded in the census .
6 But the complication of such an operation would be considerable ; and it is reasonable to say that the entire population of the Pacific nations , even if they inhabit the Atlantic seaboard , can make use of the goods that are carried across the Pacific Ocean .
7 For OCS it is reasonable to argue that the higher frequency motion corresponds to the CO stretch and the lower frequency to the CS stretch , as the two terminal atoms have very different masses .
8 But from this , and from table 4.8 , it is reasonable to conclude that the situation is in this respect less focused than in the inner city .
9 It is reasonable to assume that the carer 's preference provides some part of the causal explanation ; but it is also likely that the carers ’ preferences were influenced by the severity of the sufferer 's condition , and by whether long-term institutional care was expected , already planned , or already known to be unlikely .
10 Consequently , since the substitutes too are expected to play a role in the manumission ( owing to the general clause ) , it is reasonable to assume that the testator did not intend it to apply to their case too .
11 It is reasonable to assume that the storehouse is our local church .
12 It is reasonable to assume that the territory governed from Knossos , for instance , extended eastwards for roughly half the distance between Knossos and Mallia and southwards for roughly half the distance between Knossos and Phaistos .
13 Where a person offers a rule in this manner , it is reasonable to assume that the rule constitutes a reason for his actions , and in trying to make sense of the world of the football fan it is reasons , rather than causes , which we are seeking .
14 It is reasonable to assume that the daughters , particularly the elder ones , of such families will have been brought up to share in household chores .
15 If lesion A affects function X but not function Y while lesion B affects function Y but not function N , it is reasonable to assume that the effects observed are specific to the loci of lesions A and B rather than to the general effects of brain damage .
16 For all practical purposes , it is reasonable to assume that the children classified as unoccupied at the census were living in poverty in one parent families .
17 I think it is reasonable to assume that the arrow for computers is the same as that for humans .
18 As expert systems are designed for use by persons who have some general understanding of the knowledge domain , it is reasonable to assume that the user will take at least some of the responsibility for the output obtained .
19 Therefore it is reasonable to assume that the binding properties of the 140k DNA binding domain presented here reflect those of the full 140k polypeptide .
20 The full information about the structure of space–time is embodied in the metric equation , and so it is reasonable to expect that the connections should be functions of the metric coefficients .
21 It is reasonable to consider that the glasses obtained by different cooling rates from the melt are different from each other .
22 But I think it is reasonable to observe that the major issues of the Falklands War were more or less written in the stars .
23 If a link exists between body temperature and the sensation of fatigue , then it is reasonable to enquire if the abilities to fall asleep and remain asleep are also related to body temperature .
24 When the find spots are plotted by king or tribal grouping it is reasonable to infer that the area of circulation of their coins , especially when these are of low value , reflects the territory of a king or tribe .
25 The consultation document contained no firm proposals on the franchising system although , given that 137 out of 167 pages referred to the present BR profit centres , it is reasonable to infer that the Government 's preferred set up would be based on profit centre related franchises .
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