Example sentences of "it is [adj] [to-vb] the extent " in BNC.

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1 If we are to establish how and to what extent routine policing is affected by Northern Ireland 's divisions , it would be useless to base our research where there is only militarized political policing ( even though there are at least formal attempts to try to normalize policing in areas of high tension ) , for it is necessary to explore the extent to which policing in so-called ‘ soft ’ areas is contaminated by wider societal conflicts .
2 It is necessary to question the extent to which such a core needs to be organised in terms of hierarchies or fragmented by function .
3 If fraternity is the foundation stone of the British approach to obscenity , through the courts and the public authorities , then it is relevant to discover the extent to which such a principle plays any part at all in the regulation of obscene matter in the United States , given the fact that the USA produces the vast majority of publications which appear before the courts of America Europe and the free world .
4 Overall , she inspired great loyalty , respect and love , but her home life was often fraught and it is impossible to appreciate the extent of her achievement in commercial terms if unaware of the friction in her domestic life .
5 Since in some building projects it is impossible to define the extent of the work in advance , a number of forms of agreement are available where the contractor is reimbursed his costs for carrying out the work .
6 But since literacy was already present in early Greece , at a time when the ideal consequences of literacy ( such as logic , metaphysics and objectivity ) had not yet developed , it is impossible to test the extent to which these developments were due to literacy itself .
7 It is impossible to know the extent to which this knowledge had a reactive effect in the field , although the research was designed in such a way as to try to establish , as well as one ever could , whether there was a mask behind which respondents were concealing their true behaviour and feelings .
8 For example , one may suspect that the labour market is overheating , i.e. that X L > 0 , but without further quantitative information it is impossible to gauge the extent of the problem .
9 Alt and associates , in their study of the electorate at the time of the February 1974 election , argue that it is easy to exaggerate the extent to which voters are politically illiterate , unfamiliar with issues , and unable to identify the policy stands of the parties .
10 ( With this line of argument , however , it is possible to exaggerate the extent to which the hierarchical division of labour — fostering sectionalism among workers — was primarily a result of deliberate and purposive employer labour strategy , rather than being more an unintended consequence of technological advance . )
11 Nonetheless , it is possible to exaggerate the extent of these limitations .
12 With these procedures it is possible to measure the extent of the effective stimulation zone , rather than assuming it .
13 For it is painful to confront the extent of men 's hatred .
14 Indeed the changes wrought by the Prussians were to have enormous consequences for the formation of nationalist opinion in the city after the First World War , and it is important to see the extent to which these policies provided the basis of German identity and political purpose in the east , and provoked the very Polish nationalist response they supposedly sought to suppress or prevent .
15 Although it is possible to see networks as a mechanism through which workers exercise some ‘ degree of control over their labour market , it is important to acknowledge the extent to which they are , by definition , discriminatory .
16 But as well as this , it is important to consider the extent to which self-representation and appearance are particularly important to girls economically and therefore psychologically …
17 Even for a practitioner who does not claim to own such expertise , it is important to consider the extent to which items seem to call upon the linguistic abilities at which the test is directed .
18 Before I examine some of the ways in which recent analyses of literacy practices in a number of disciplines have taken account of these political and ideological factors , and have implicitly challenged the model of literacy put forward by Goody , it is important to recognise the extent to which many of Goody 's arguments and those of the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy have derived support from assumptions within the specific field of linguistics .
19 It is important to recognize the extent to which professional involvement with policies implies not merely scope to influence implementation but also an impact upon policy itself .
20 It is difficult to judge the extent of unemployment among graduates .
21 Since much of our ‘ intellectual debt ’ to the originators of ideas is filtered by reading their ideas in the works of others , it is difficult to acknowledge the extent to which the originators have influenced our thinking .
22 It is difficult to measure the extent to which stockholding influences decision-making , but taken together with the interchange of personnel through interlocking directorships , trading connections are most certainly cemented through financial channels .
23 It is difficult to gauge the extent to which cosmetics , leather working , paint and carving were used as surviving examples are rare or non-existent .
24 Although it is difficult to calculate the extent to which the funds represent a net gain to the economy , according to the report , the income and value added tax paid to the government by foreign scientists and other employees represents a clear economic gain .
25 During the hours spent in school , it is hard to estimate the extent to which the number and nature of the interactions experienced by any one child are directly concerned with formal teaching and learning .
26 In retrospect it is hard to judge the extent to which the success of this policy ( and , for all the worries it caused at the time , it was a success by comparison with the economy management disasters of the 1960s and 1970s ) was due to good management , and the extent to which it was due to external and internal economic factors outside government control , in particular to the postwar recovery and the stimulus provided by the continuing military activity of the ‘ cold war ’ .
27 As we move on to the fifteenth century , it is hard to judge the extent or the severity of individual outbreaks of plague or of other diseases , but it is probable that some of the epidemics which occurred in urban centres , where plague was most common , were on a sufficient scale to outweigh any natural increase in the population .
28 It is hard to judge the extent of the industry , but later developments , particularly in the sixteenth century , seem to have been firmly based on medieval foundations .
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