Example sentences of "it be said [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now can it be said to be clear by the law of Scotland that the locus here is beyond what the legislature may assert right to affect by legislation against all whomsoever for the purpose of regulating methods of fishing ?
2 It 's said to be unlucky to change a boat 's name . ’
3 If a relationship is linked to three entities , as in figure 3.8 , it is said to be ternary .
4 It is said to be easy to upgrade and service because it 's based on standard uniprocessor 50MHz 80486 EISA bus hardware .
5 It is said to be easy to upgrade and service because it 's based on standard uniprocessor 50MHz 80486 EISA bus hardware .
6 Naltrexone is an anti-euphoriant which masks any pleasure from subsequent use of opiate drugs and it is said to be non-addictive .
7 When a bank note can be exchanged for gold on demand at a bank it is said to be convertible or redeemable .
8 It is said to be present , although usually without symptoms , in one in ten people over the age of forty , and in one in three over the age of sixty .
9 M67 is in the field with Alpha ( 4.2 ) ; it is said to be visible with the naked eye , but I have never been able to confirm this , though with binoculars it is very easy indeed .
10 It is said to be visible with binoculars , but I have never been able to see it without a telescope .
11 It is said to be invisible in its natural state but will form into semi-matter under certain conditions , rather like invisible moist air condensing into a filmy liquid on windows .
12 Where a relationship is linked to two entities ( as in the case of the examples in figure 3.3 ) , it is said to be binary .
13 Who is to say that the poorer countries of Europe are to be happy with a dominant Germany just because it is said to be good for ‘ Europe ’ ?
14 U , of spectral type M , appears to be irregular , with a range of from 5.6 to 7.5 ; EU ranges from 6.0 to 6.9 , and is also of type M. It is said to be semi-regular , with a period of around 60 days , but I have never been at all confident about this .
15 It is said to be shorter in Angoras than dairy goats .
16 In the village of Portlethen , some 15 miles outside Aberdeen , the main line station was closed many years ago as it was said to be uneconomic .
17 It was said to be effective only if found without actually seeking it , and some people who came upon it used to say a prayer such as :
18 There is , in fact , every indication that Karajan was acutely aware of the temper of the times , though to find evidence of this we do not go to the random rag-bag of recordings he was permitted to make in the early 1940s but to what he immediately turned his mind to with Legge in Vienna in 1947 : Strauss 's Metamorphosen , a recording , still , of unparalleled intensity , and the Brahms German Requiem , a performance ( it was said to be one of Toscanini , s favourite records ) of unbearable directness and poignancy of utterance .
19 In 1717 he began buying land in Kent and the city of London , which eventually placed the family among the largest landowners in the county ; it was said to be possible to walk for a day in north-west Kent without leaving Page property .
20 It was said to be 700 years old when it fell in 1896 .
21 Bror Blixen , Karen Blixen 's husband , had syphilis and it was said to be common among the Masai .
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