Example sentences of "it be obvious that he [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 From his later writings it is obvious that he was quite fascinated by the entire operation and its execution .
2 It was obvious that he was becoming increasingly uncomfortable , and no station was due with facilities for relief ; and in the blackout the train crawled exasperatingly .
3 But it was obvious that he was used to it all .
4 For some years now he had shared the sheep herding with his Uncle George : the latter had never been particularly strong and now it was obvious that he was very ill .
5 It was obvious that he was a Jim Flegg in the making .
6 Daak 's shouted curses were becoming weaker , and it was obvious that he was unable to aim his blaster .
7 ‘ … anyway , with time it was obvious that he was going to need more maintenance than Gwen was prepared to give him .
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