Example sentences of "it be more likely [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rumours have been circulating that they wanted to hold it to tie in with Aliens 3 , although with that still way off in the future , it 's more likely that a full-scale theatrical release of The Special Edition is planned for the distant future .
2 And it 's more likely that the cloudier west coast will only struggle to ten celcius , that 's fifty farenheit .
3 But it is more likely that a physical restraint influenced the swirling liquids — just as bad weather cyclones and hurricanes are anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise south of the equator of spinning planet Earth .
4 It is more likely that a valuation will not be required before , for instance , a later disposal of the asset by the transferee .
5 It is more likely that a letter to ‘ Anna Payne ’ will get a response than one simply to ‘ the personnel manager ’ .
6 It is more likely that a family will lie somewhere on the continuum between these positions in its behaviour patterns .
7 Indeed , it is more likely that a small child will attempt to command an adult than the other way around .
8 It is more likely that a kid will die than reach sexual maturity at three years old .
9 Since the working class is most affected by these constraints , it is more likely that a characteristically rural working class will develop than a distinctly rural middle class .
10 It is more likely that a high-level package will be identified initially , and then after some investigation this will be refined to one or more lower level packages .
11 It is more likely that a high-level package will be identified initially , and then after some investigation this will be refined to one or more lower level packages .
12 If the mother denigrates her husband , it is more likely that a boy will become particularly anxious ( Wolff , 1983b ) .
13 But if the British Barlow Clowes operation had been within the licensing net , it is more likely that the Department of Trade would have found out at a much earlier stage that Mr Peter Clowes was running a parallel offshore operation — first in Jersey and then in Gibraltar .
14 It may have been that Harvey enjoyed such seniority in the Church that in his case such deviation was permitted , but given that two or three other committed Free Presbyterians have been active in the Official Unionist Party ( in 1985 there were two Free Presbyterians in local government as Official Unionist councillors ) , it is more likely that the Church leadership was genuinely able to maintain some distance from Paisley 's politics .
15 Historians have found some manors where the local custom was for the widow to receive a half proportion , or even the whole , and yet in others apparently none — although in these cases it is more likely that the documentation is being misconstrued .
16 It is more likely that the types of crime committed by older people will be less noticed and less liable to be recorded in the criminal statistics .
17 It is more likely that the importer will have to settle his debt in the exporter 's currency or the currency of a third country , e.g. Brazil/Singapore trade deal billed and settled in US dollars .
18 If the baby cries uncontrollably for several hours each evening , it is more likely that the cause is so-called 3-month or 10-week colic ( sharp tummy ache ) .
19 However , if the crisis has been particularly sharp and the depression of sufficient duration then it is more likely that the total of will increase sufficiently to push up the price of consumer goods .
20 It is more likely that the waters of Marah referred to in Exodus 15:23–25 were contaminated with iron rather than algae as Dr S. Fletcher suggest ( Chem .
21 This may have been because he was ignorant or stupid but , reading between the lines of Heinz 's file , it is more likely that the foreman had taken against his young charge who was ‘ very intelligent and conceited ’ .
22 But , as we all know , beauty is only skin deep — it is more likely that the new breeds were favoured because they grew faster and to almost twice the size of bronze strains .
23 It is more likely that the elements of secrecy and self-deception involved in my behaviour were already so strong that what I was actually doing could n't be described in words at all , least of all in the incriminating written word .
24 It is more likely that the accounts in Matthew and Luke are shortened versions of Mark than that Mark has expanded one of theirs .
25 It is more likely that the white ear spots are there as a signal to cubs following their dam in thick jungle .
26 When this happens it is more likely that the two strands mix indifferently .
27 At least in the higher animals , it is more likely that the visual perception of shape and motion have evolved in response to such biologically significant environmental features as the gait or stance of hunter or prey , or the facial grimaces and tail-waving of conspecifics .
28 It is more likely that the different reproductive roles of males and females have led to the divergence of size .
29 Recent research has shown that in such cases it is more likely that the animals and humans had been eaten by other predators , such as leopards an hyenas .
30 It is more likely that the sentence beginning with also is adding more detail to support the general conclusion that the individual concerned is right-sided and is part of the internal structure of a paragraph beginning with Generally .
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