Example sentences of "it be [adv] [adj] to say whether " in BNC.

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1 Well , it 's only polite to say whether if you
2 It 's too early to say whether the ‘ intensive ’ model will become a regular feature of subject assessment , although early indications are favourable .
3 It is also difficult to say whether a change at the top would affect the Direction des Musées de France at the heart of the Ministry of Culture .
4 Furthermore , it is usually impossible to say whether the effects of a lesion in one hemisphere , in terms of loss or impairment of a particular function , follow from the destruction of the true neural locus of that function , or instead reflect the influence of abnormal tissue on other brain areas that actually subserve the function in question .
5 The criterion of land under cultivation is crude , and resists refinement : it is exceedingly difficult to say whether in a particular country in a particular decade or generation the rate of growth was steady ; in some places at some times there may well have been local and temporary declines .
6 Support from other UK insurance companies has been mixed — ‘ it is a very conservative sector ’ , he says — and it is too early to say whether the method will be generally accepted .
7 It is too early to say whether IBM 's competitors in the database arena will be able to adapt their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost .
8 It is too early to say whether this is the way the brain works but , as Rolls ( 1987 ) points out , it would make a lot of sense of a lot of uninterpretable data if it was ; it also makes sense on logical grounds , since it gets round the problems associated with grandmother cells , like the problem of perceiving novel objects and the complexities of arranging the massive degree of convergence of input required for grandmother cells to work .
9 It is too early to say whether these increases in process costs will be offset by other efficiency gains .
10 Prof Carter described the laboratory evidence as really dramatic but said it is too early to say whether the same effect can be produced in patients .
11 But it was too early to say whether fans would sway any decision on his future .
12 Richard Erb , Deputy Managing Director of the IMF , said that it was too early to say whether Russia could meet inflation or budget deficit targets for 1992 .
13 Another worker said it was too early to say whether industrial action was likely , but added : ‘ My own feeling is that we are caught between a rock and a hard place . ’
14 Mr Murdoch said it was too early to say whether the firm could be sold on as a going concern ; much depended on negotiating settlements on contracts .
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