Example sentences of "it be just as likely that " in BNC.

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1 It is just as likely that the market , left to itself , would not finance or build nuclear-power stations , not because of the greens but because of their poor rate of return .
2 It is just as likely that some viruses evolved from more complex organisms — that they are cell fragments which found they could earn a perfectly good living simply by sponging off others .
3 But it is just as likely that she will allow one male after another to mount her until her whole circle of admirers has been accommodated .
4 Maybe it is , but it is just as likely that your idea was not quite right .
5 He went on to regard the presence of more than two rows to be an indication of adult growth , but , whilst this may sometimes occur it is just as likely that the unfortunate whelk was checked several times during its immature life .
6 Perhaps they were too well-known to need spelling out ; but it is just as likely that the personal qualities which contemporaries did stress were what really accounted for both men 's influence at the courts of successive Carolingians .
7 But in fact , it was just as likely that he would be killed by the first group of native Tarvarians he encountered .
8 The cat had probably been in the vestry and undone the parcel they were in , though it was just as likely that Sophia had given her one to play with .
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