Example sentences of "it [is] probably [adj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's probably true to say that some actors just do n't mix well with other actors or directors .
2 Unless you 're Peter Pan , in which case you probably believe in fairies as well , it 's probably fair to say that you are only young once .
3 Interestingly enough , even with a wide range of prices and types of hotel-style accommodation available , it 's probably fair to say that the majority of guests expect en suite bathroom facilities as standard .
4 It might be , I think in actual fact during your er , I think it might be a waste of time , but I think it 's probably advisable to try and find out a bit more about this
5 It is probably pointless to suggest that Mr Brittlebank now seek ( not seeks ) the guidance on English usage so clearly denied him hitherto , but I hope he will think twice before presuming upon your columns on this particular subject in future .
6 Extrapolating from this , it is probably right to assume that these functions also
7 He explains : ‘ It is probably better to wait and see what happens with age-related rebates .
8 Since we are quite different in our behavioural capacities , notably in our possessing language , this may reflect a lack of subtlety on the part of the anatomists but it is probably reasonable to assume that the input and output ends of the system are pretty much the same in monkeys as in people .
9 It is probably anachronistic to imagine that Offa intended to create a single southern Anglo-Saxon kingdom under one ruler .
10 In terms of that aspect of the Fleet Street Casuals case which relates sufficient interest to the facts and merits of the applicant 's case , it is probably correct to say that ratepayers challenging decisions of local authorities , competitors challenging decisions affecting their business activities , and neighbours challenging planning decisions would be held to have a sufficient interest unless other facts of the case provided very strong grounds for denying the existence of such an interest .
11 While artisans certainly had better opportunities than had most of the lower orders , it is probably unwise to insist that a very wide behavioural gap separated them from the " crowd " , at least until the last years of the eighteenth century .
12 It is probably true to say that the first few solo flights are the safest that a student pilot ever makes .
13 The Congregational historian , Albert Peel , wrote that ‘ it is probably true to say that no one did more to raise the standard of worship in Nonconformist churches ’ than he .
14 It is probably true to say that the likely arrangements for assessment and recording of pupils ' achievement have provoked more concern among the teaching profession than almost any other area of the National Curriculum .
15 Generalizing rather , it is probably true to say that Hawaiian-type eruptions are more common on the oceanic island volcanoes than elsewhere ( though the examples of Nyiragongo and Nyamlagira emphasize that it is only a generalization ) , since it is in these environments that the fluid basalt lavas are most likely to be found .
16 Even now it is probably true to say that the recommendations in the report guide and influence BLR&DD thinking and action on user education funding policy .
17 Concerning those chemical changes , which were of fantastic magnitude , taking place during the first of these periods , it is probably true to say that most established religions do now , perhaps reluctantly , accept as true the scientific theories governing the associated processes of evolution .
18 It is probably true to say that these new sensations were at first quite undetected , as such , by himself .
19 Indeed , it is probably true to say that the House of Commons relies upon the House of Lords to do this job , up to a point .
20 It is probably true to say that it is in this way , rather than in any other , that governments learn exactly where the limits of tolerance lie .
21 However , it is probably true to say that Darwin 's theory does not dominate biological thought as much as it used to .
22 It was an unjust war if ever there was one ; but it is probably true to say that no one attempted to discriminate morally between the wars of secular lords at this period unless they affected the interests of the Church .
23 It is probably true to say that there will never be a huge assemblage of flying aircraft , supported by expensive ‘ props ’ on the ground , ever again .
24 Nevertheless , despite the earnest evangelical endeavours it is probably true to say that many bourgeois groups had little direct interest in working-class morality , as long as work relationships were secured .
25 Voices have sometimes been heard to question or deny the validity of this requirement but , while it is probably true to say that this issue has not been central in the cases since Thomson v. Deakin , the necessity for unlawful means has been so consistently repeated in subsequent statements of the law that it is now hopeless to argue the contrary .
26 It is probably true to say that his party did more decade after decade to destroy the availability of properties in the private rented sector — to the impoverishment of some of the most needy sectors of society .
27 It is probably true to say that if young British-born Caribbeans from London have a conversation lasting longer than a few turns , then it will contain London English even if it contains Creole as well .
28 It is probably true to state that a country must achieve sustained increases in real GNP per capita to avoid social and political tension .
29 And it is probably true to add that no tortoiseshell cat has ever fathered a litter of kittens .
30 A number of different rules of construction applicable to exclusion clauses have been identified , but it is probably safe to say that they are all really examples of the general rule that courts will interpret exclusion and similar clauses strictly , contra proferentem , or contrary to the interests of the party who drafted them — normally the person seeking to rely on them .
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