Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] regarded as a " in BNC.

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1 It is generally regarded as a native of south-east Europe and Asia Minor , Doubt surrounds the timing of its introduction to the British Isles , but the earliest record of its presence was made in 1562 .
2 The biggest problem with the diabetic clinic is that time tends to be very limited and perhaps it is best regarded as a place for assessment and the identification of problems , with a little time for education .
3 It is also regarded as a men 's club and its members all possess comfortable rooms .
4 It is also regarded as a vital resource in a wide variety of disciplines besides literature .
5 The inverted-U relationship has been empirically demonstrated for a number of different tasks ( e.g. Courts , 1942 ; Stennett , 1957 ; Bolanger & Feldman , described in Malmo 1959 ) , however , it is often regarded as a purely descriptive relationship rather than necessarily implying that arousal per se is affecting performance .
6 Despite the fact that the state system of education is over 100 years old , it is still regarded as a fundamental duty of parenthood to educate one 's child .
7 It is still regarded as a preconceived construct which incorporates goals for learning , and its relationship with a methodology which activates the immediate process of learning remains as undefined as before .
8 The disparity of provision partly reflects the lack of understanding by teachers of the purpose of a school library , and ways in which it should be used in the curriculum , so that it is still regarded as a peripheral concern , a room open for pupils in the lunch hour and for English lessons for children to borrow books .
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