Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] make a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But if a cat is cornered and can not run away , even though it wishes fervently to do so , it may then make a sound which transmits the message : ‘ I fear you , but do not push me too far , or I will turn on you despite my fear . ’
2 It must also make a submission to parliament containing proposals relating to the policy to be followed next year in respect of the dealing with the state assets .
3 But , even if the All Blacks are subconsciously tempted to relegate the Irish to an after-thought , it might not make a bit of difference .
4 Indeed , as Paul Du Noyer noted in NME , it might not make a sausage of difference to your diet but it 's guaranteed to leave a feeling of guilt in your head as you tuck into that rump steak .
5 Which basically found it could n't make a railway service run and dropped it .
6 ‘ The thing is , there 's so little time in between tournaments and already I spend so little time in Bruhl and in Boca Raton , and it would n't make a lot of sense .
7 I found this sweet little man who fixed up a non-reflex 35 for me slowed down the motor wind so it would n't make a sound fixed in a timer to take a shot every thirty seconds .
8 But it would still make a bomb that could flatten much of a city and drench the place with fall-out .
9 And I 'm afraid there is no way you can you , if you try and force the caf to be more a sort of caf that people who come to the cinema will patronize then it will not make a profit in my view .
10 Insurer pledges it will not make a drama out of a crisis
11 Well we had eight different presentations , er i warmed , I suppose , to two of them erm was a small engineering company in the motor trade which , while it will never make a fortune will probably make a living and the people seem to need help .
12 The PowerPC , says Slater , will not turn too many heads in the desktop arena , however , he believes the Apple contingent will be its guiding star ‘ it wo n't be in the SuperSparc league , but on the matter of price alone it will definitely make an impact ’ .
13 Provided the court is satisfied with your petition it will then make a bankruptcy order against the debtor , placing his assets in the hands of the Official Receiver ( a civil servant from the Department of Trade and Industry , known as the OR ) .
14 This 'll be my first attempt I would imagine that it wo n't make a lot of difference I could be wrong .
15 In spite of campaign by parents to maintain spending on education , the Government says it wo n't make an exception for Gloucestershire , the only county to be capped .
16 Slater pointed to the Motorola 88110 — not yet formally announced due to some lingering problems — as ‘ perhaps the best of the current crop of microprocessors ’ , adding that it is a shame that it wo n't make an impact because it does n't have the customers .
17 ‘ If your own family is so badly brought up , ’ thundered a Scottish columnist , ‘ so lacking in moral fibre that it can not make a go of its marriages , what price all those Christmas homilies ? ’
18 Within a given political economy where there is a ‘ free ’ market for labour ( taking this , hypothetically as given ) , labour becomes so plentiful and therefore cheap that it can not make a living .
19 This type of jig has limitations ; it can not make an ellipse , any part of which is covered by the jig .
20 When making a care order it can also make a contact order under s34. ( a ) Care orders A care order places a child in the care of a designated local authority which must then receive the child and keep him in care while the order remains in force ( s33(1) ) .
21 It can also make an order in any family proceedings in connection with a child in care .
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