Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] make the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With too few rows worked between it will probably look too fat and squashed ; it may even make the work very solid .
2 It may even make the chip in the future .
3 This would , it was thought , avoid difficulties which might otherwise arise through local authorities failing to co-ordinate their activities , and it would also make the system more intelligible to the general public .
4 It has just told me that the trial has proved successful and that it will shortly make the address service available nationwide .
5 I suspect it will not make the impact of Capra 's work .
6 If you intend to turn your work into an ‘ oil ’ then suitable paper must be used so that oily edges do n't form and , when the oil finally dries out it wo n't make the paper brittle and liable to crack .
7 it wo n't make the paper lie down flat when er when it 's finished .
8 Colin McRae says it wo n't make the car much quicker but it will allow the driver to hang onto the steering wheel for much longer and will require less effort .
9 It can not make the machine work .
10 This will be true whatever the value of γ 1 ; therefore whatever value of γ 1 is selected it can not make the distinction between aggregate and relative demand shocks any less important .
11 So it 's it appeals to the right brain that visual aspect it can take attention it can actually make the presenter move around when it switches attention what does that do for the audience then ?
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